
Multilingual Translator and Programmer Proficient in Four Languages Seeking Opportunities
29 years oldTranslation/ProofreadingCome from Brazil Living in DaLian
Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Mandarin
Mandarin: simple communication

Pursuing a major in Systems Analysis and Development, I boast a diverse linguistic background. With two years of Chinese studies at the Confucius Institute in Brazil and an advanced level course at Dalian University of Foreign Languages, I've gained proficiency in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, alongside a solid grasp of Chinese. Additionally, I have three years of experience teaching English in Brazil. My passion for languages, coupled with skills in translation and programming, positions me to contribute effectively in language translation and technology fields.

English Teacher
CNA Intermares: English Course, Spanish Course, Exchange in Intermares PB
Jan 2021 - Jul 2022(2 years)

Taught English and Spanish courses, specializing in instructing children under the age of 10 in both online and face-to-face environments. Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans utilizing a blend of traditional and innovative teaching methodologies, catering to individual learning styles and needs. Created a dynamic and culturally inclusive learning environment, accommodating students from diverse backgrounds. Employed interactive and playful techniques to enhance learning outcomes, ensuring an enjoyable educational experience for young learners.

English Teacher
Wizard Language School in Valparaíso de Goiás GO
Feb 2019 - Dec 2020(2 years)

Conducted language courses for children aged 6-12, focusing on English language acquisition through creative and interactive methods. Customized lesson plans to suit individual learning preferences, ensuring an adaptive teaching approach for diverse student needs.

Dalian University of Foreign Languages
, Chinese Language and Culture Studies
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023(a year)

Awarded a scholarship by the Confucius Institute for exceptional performance as an outstanding Chinese student in Brazil, I pursued a comprehensive program at Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

, Systems Analysis and Development
Aug 2022 - Dec 2023(a year)

The Systems Analysis and Development major focuses on training students in the fundamental aspects of designing, building, and implementing information systems to solve complex problems within organizations.