
Proficient Game Translator
34 years oldTranslation/ProofreadingCome from Brazil Living in Brazil - Fortaleza
Language: English, Portuguese
Mandarin: not at all

I have worked for many game companies since my teenage years. I was supporter and moderador for InnoGames, from Germany, for 2 years and later I worked for 337 games, from China, where I helped them with translation and moderation of the game. Both experiences were for free, but I learned a lot. I have fluency in English and Portuguese, my mother tongue. The game industry here in Brazil is huge, but we don't have many game producers, that's why we play a lot of foreign games with a good portuguese translations.

Fortaleza Cityhall
Jul 2014 - Dec 2023(9 years)

Working mainly with public purchases for the public health system of this city.

Infinity School
, Tech Course
Aug 2022 - Aug 2023(a year)

Data Science especialization

University of Fortaleza
, Law School
Jan 2008 - Jan 2014(6 years)

6 years studying brazillian law system to become a lawyer.

TranscriptionTranslationQuick ThinkingDecision MakingTeam Working