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UNDP Call for Proposals from NGOs for Livelihood support in Ghana

UNDP Call for Proposals from NGOs for Livelihood support in Ghana

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the lead agency on international development of the United Nations. UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. We offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

This Call for Proposals is specifically related to the UNDP project dubbed Enhancing social cohesion and social contract, through empowerment of women and youth in three northern regions of Ghana. The project specifically focuses on three Northern regions of Ghana, Upper East (Bongo, Bawku West, Garu districts), Upper West (Wa West, Sissala West districts), and North-East (Yunyoo-Nasuan, Chereponi, Bunkpurugu-Nankpanduri districts). This project is funded by UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund and seeks to prevent and address the root causes of localized and spillover conflicts and vulnerabilities to violent extremism and enhance women and youth meaningful participation in peacebuilding processes and local governance decision-making.

The objective of this Call for Proposals is to identify NGOs operating in these locations to support the implementation of activities for enhancing socio-economic livelihood of target communities for women and youth in an effort to enhance social cohesion and social contract in the Upper East (Bongo, Bawku West, Garu districts), Upper West (Wa West, Sissala West districts), and North-East (Yunyoo-Nasuan, Chereponi, Bunkpurugu-Nankpanduri districts).

Please see detailed objectives and related outputs and deliverables are provided in the Terms of Reference.

Applicants must submit their proposals in one email to Subject for application should be PBF Livelihood Ghana call and specific region name.

The following documents must be submitted in order for the submission to be considered for the first stage of assessment:

1) Proposal Template

2) Documentation requested in the Request for Information (RFI)- Annex II audited financial statements for past two years, including management report and footnotes that accompany the financial statements.

3) CACHE – Annex III

Only one submission per organization is allowed. Once the application is complete and submitted, revised versions of proposal documents will not be accepted. Proposals, with supporting documents, should be submitted in one email by 23:00 (11pm) Time on 31st July 2024. Proposals submitted after deadline will not be considered.

Contact for additional questions about the Call for Proposals Guidelines or application forms.