Financial host
Columbus Fintech
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Job Responsibilities

1. Responsible for short video script writing, shooting, and producing and uploading to youtube and other platforms; 2. Participate in community oriented live broadcasting activities; 3. Participate in community interaction and maintain community atmosphere. 1、负责短视频脚本撰写、拍摄,并制作上传youtube等平台; 2、参与面向社群的直播活动; 3、参与社群的互动,维护社群氛围。

Job Requirements

1. Good image, articulate and fluent in English; 2. Enthusiastic and lively, like to interact with people, good at mobilizing the atmosphere, strong interaction ability; 3. Experience in stock and digital currency investment is preferred; 4. Curiosity about Web3 is preferred. 1、形象较好,口齿伶俐,英文表达无障碍; 2、热情活泼、喜欢与人互动交流,善于调动气氛,互动能力强; 3、有股票、数字货币投资经验优先; 4、对web3拥有好奇心优先。

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type



Unlimited experience

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