Volunteering | Opportunities for Youth https://opportunitiesforyouth.org Empowering Youth through Access to Information and Opportunities Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:28:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cropped-YPWC_LOGO_512-150x150.png Volunteering | Opportunities for Youth https://opportunitiesforyouth.org 32 32 Appel à Candidature : Formation sur le Leadership des Jeunes des Régions Nord-Sud du Sénégal https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/30/appel-a-candidature-formation-sur-le-leadership-des-jeunes-des-regions-nord-sud-du-senegal/ Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:28:46 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40758 Lancement d’un programme d’un mois destiné à renforcer le leadership, le développement personnel et l’engagement citoyen des jeunes pour une participation active et responsable à la gouvernance et au développement du Sénégal. Ce programme est ouvert aux jeunes filles et garçons âgés de 18 à 35 ans, originaires des régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.

Objectifs du Programme :

  • Dispositions civiques et gouvernance politique : Renforcer les connaissances des jeunes sur la constitution, les lois, les institutions de la République et l’histoire du Sénégal, tout en promouvant le respect des droits humains, dont le droit à un environnement sain.
  • Leadership des jeunes : Encourager une nouvelle génération de travailleurs avec une mentalité forte pour relever les défis du développement. Développer les capacités des jeunes au plaidoyer, à la communication pour le développement (C4D) et à l’art oratoire.
  • Engagement communautaire : Améliorer la participation des jeunes dans les mouvements estudiantins, la société civile et les partis politiques. Créer un réseau de jeunes leaders engagés pour l’amour de la patrie dans les régions concernées.

Critères d’Éligibilité :

  1. Âge : 18 à 35 ans.
  2. Nationalité : Sénégalaise.
  3. Résidence : Originaire et résident(e) dans les régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.
  4. Engagement : Actif dans une association de la société civile, un parti politique ou un mouvement estudiantin.
  5. Disponibilité : Engagement total pendant un mois pour suivre le programme.
  6. Bonne moralité et respect des règles et procédures du PNUD.

Dossiers de Candidature :

  • Preuve d’engagement associatif ou politique.
  • Plan SMART de post-formation.
  • Certificat médical.
  • Pièce d’identité.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Lettre de motivation (300 mots max).
  • Biographie (250 mots max) avec photo.
  • Personne à contacter en cas d’urgence.

Conditions de Prise en Charge :

  • Logistique : Transport aller-retour depuis la région d’origine.
  • Hébergement : Hébergement au centre d’instruction.
  • Restauration : Prise en charge complète.
  • Matériel : Fourniture du matériel nécessaire.

Éthique et Conduite :

Les participants doivent respecter le code de conduite et les exigences de sécurité du Centre de Formation et du PNUD, tout en démontrant une intégrité exemplaire.

Date Limite de Soumission : Samedi 3 août 2024 à 23h59 GMT

Apply here

Professionals in Germany: Explore Sponsored Assignments in Your Country of Origin with Diaspora2030 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/29/professionals-in-germany-explore-sponsored-assignments-in-your-country-of-origin-with-diaspora2030/ Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:55:56 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40701

About Us

Diaspora2030 is a platform for people in Germany with a migration history who are interested or engaged in the field of development. By leveraging their expertise and experience, the program aims to support sustainable development in partner countries.

“Shaping Development-Oriented Migration” facilitates short-term assignments that empower diaspora communities to make meaningful impacts, contributing to global development goals and fostering knowledge exchange. If you aspire to initiate change and support a future worth living for people in your country of origin, Diaspora2030 provides the opportunity to do so.

The Diaspora2030 website is run by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The services and funding opportunities presented here are provided primarily through the Programme Shaping Development-Oriented Migration (MEG) which is currently active in 15 countries.

What We Offer

  • Financial Assistance: Support towards your expenses during the assignment.
  • Paid Travel Expenses: Coverage for your travel costs.
  • Basic Insurance Package: Insurance coverage for the duration of your assignment.
  • Referral Services: Connections to suitable organizations interested in your expertise.
  • Local Support: Assistance from our team of coordinators during your assignment.

Your Profile

  • Migration background: Currently living in Germany and have a migration history from one of the following countries: Albania, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine or Vietnam
  • Educational Background: Completed your vocational training or university degree in Germany, or your degree is recognized in Germany.
  • Professional Experience: At least five years of relevant professional experience in Germany or another OECD country in the field you wish to work in during your assignment.
  • Assignment Plans: Plan to undertake a short-term assignment of between two weeks and three months in a development-related area, especially in the priority areas of gender, climate protection, or health.

How to Apply

Please send your application to diaspora2030@giz.de. The application should include the following documents:

  • Up-to-date CV
  • Motivation Letter: Briefly explain your motivation to apply and your ideas for the assignment.
  • Completed Expression of Interest

Application Deadline: Please send your application as early as possible (at least three months before your planned assignment).

*By sending your personal data via email, you agree that your personal data will also be processed by the Programme “Shaping Development-Oriented Migration” (MEG) and transmitted to other bodies as part of the placement. These include our partner institutions. This consent can be withdrawn at any time by sending an email to diaspora2030@giz.de.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Do you still have questions about the requirements, conditions, and application process? Learn more

You can also visit the website for more information about Diaspora2030

Youth Micro-Grants for Non-Profit Volunteer Initiatives in Canada https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/24/youth-micro-grants-for-non-profit-volunteer-initiatives-in-canada/ Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:59:20 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40477 Are you a young Canadian with a vision to enhance your community? The Canada Service Corps Youth Micro-Grants Program is here to support you in bringing your volunteer project ideas to life. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting opportunity!

What Is The Youth Micro-Grants Program?

The Youth Micro-Grants Program, funded by Canada Service Corps, is designed to give youth aged 15 to 30 the opportunity to create and execute volunteer projects that benefit their communities. This program supports projects operated by volunteers with the aim of providing community service.

Program Highlights:

  • Grant Amount: Up to $2,000
  • Program Duration: 9 months
  • Activities: Submit project proposals, design projects, participate in skill-building workshops, consult with a project advisor, and receive additional support.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Youth Micro-Grants Program, applicants must:

  • Age: Be between 15 and 30 years old at the time of application.
  • Residency: Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or have granted refugee status in Canada.

Categories for Project Proposals

Projects must be operated by volunteers and serve a non-profit cause. Project proposals must fall under one of the following categories:

  • Reconciliation
  • Building an Inclusive Canada
  • Preserving the Environment
  • Promoting Civic and Democratic Engagement
  • Strengthening Youth Resilience
  • Potential New Themes: Youth-identified themes.

Application Process

  • Application Submission: Submit your application here by July 30, 2024. Completed budget (download from here) must be attached for application to be considered.
  • Review and Selection: Applications will be reviewed by the Youth Micro-Grants team. Grants will be awarded based on the submitted proposals.
  • Procedure:
    • A Youth Micro-Grants team member will contact you after submitting your application.
    • If eligible, you will be selected for an interview.
    • You will receive a final decision on your grant application within 5-10 business days after the interview.

Timeline and Workshops

  • Workshops: Held every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. There will be a total of 35 weekly workshops.
  • 1-on-1 Consultations: Available starting August 12, 2024, with a project advisor.

What Happens If I’m Accepted?

If your application is successful, you will:

  • Sign an agreement with FCC
  • Agree to follow program guidelines
  • Meet a project advisor for individual consultations
  • Attend a total of 12 workshops

Additional Resources

For more information, visit the Youth Micro-Grants Program Page.

Contact Details

Have questions or need help with your application? Reach out to the support team at info@fcccanada.org or call 416-840-4425.

Call for Participants: Young Gamechangers Fund Steering Group Member(Paid Remote role Open to UK residents) https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/22/call-for-participants-young-gamechangers-fund-steering-group-memberpaid-remote-role-open-to-uk-residents/ Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:54:43 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40384 Remote Position – Apply by August 4th

About Restless Development

Restless Development is a global nonprofit agency that recognizes the power young people have to solve world challenges. Despite being frequently overlooked, young people possess the energy and innovation needed to lead meaningful change. Restless Development collaborates with youth to empower them in their communities, tackling issues such as child marriage and HIV prevention.


Are you passionate about making a difference in your community, society, or the environment? Do you want to join forces with other young people across the UK to build a better future? If so, this opportunity is for you!

The Young Gamechangers Fund (YGF) is a revolutionary initiative, funded by Co-op Foundation, the Co-op, and #iwillFund. Launched with a bold £4.5m fund, YGF aims to put young people at the forefront of societal change.

Join the YGF Steering Group

We are seeking passionate and committed individuals aged 18-25 from across the UK to join our YGF Steering Group. Your role will be to assist in designing and leading the fund’s second year, ensuring youth-led programs receive the support they need.

Last year, we supported 33 youth-led projects across the UK. This year, we aim to broaden our reach in terms of project themes and geographic areas, and we need your help!

The Opportunity

The YGF, conceptualized in 2023 by young visionaries, aims to revolutionize the funding and support of youth-led activism, social change, and social justice movements in the UK.

We are looking for six young people to join the YGF Steering Group. This is your chance to work with peers to shape the future of youth-led change in the UK.

Responsibilities of YGF Steering Group Members

  • Assist the current Steering Group in building the fund, including application development and assessment.
  • Bring your unique experiences and skills to the YGF, ensuring the fund effectively serves young people like you.
  • Collaborate with other young people both online and in person.
  • Contribute to creating impactful changes for young activists and gamechangers across the UK.

Who We Are Looking For

We seek young people who:

  • Reside in any part of the UK.
  • Are aged between 18 and 25.
  • Have an interest in youth-led change. No specific experience is required; we want to hear what youth-led change means to you!

YGF is committed to inclusivity and encourages applications from diverse backgrounds, especially those who:

  • Live in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, or the East of England.
  • Are young males.
  • Have not followed traditional educational routes (e.g., not attended university).
  • Have experience living in rural or isolated communities.
  • Have a physical disability.

What We Need From You

  • Effective listening and communication skills.
  • Teamwork and collaborative decision-making abilities.
  • Commitment to:
    • Reviewing materials and documents before meetings.
    • Fairly and unbiasedly assessing grant applications.
    • Participating in reflective learning activities to share your experiences with the YGF.
    • Attending all online and in-person sessions (dates below).

Time Commitment

The YGF Steering Group term runs from August 2024 to July 2025.

Core Requirements:

  • Co-design and Decision Making: September to January 2025.
  • Reflection and Learning Residential: April to July 2025.

Optional Involvements:

  • Collaborate with the learning partner to reflect on the process.
  • Assist with communications (e.g., Instagram posts, blog posts).
  • Develop marketing and outreach strategies.

Meeting Dates and Times

  • Online Fund Training and Design Sessions: September-December 2024.
  • In-Person Co-Design Residential: Early September 2024.
  • In-Person Decision-Making Residential: Early January 2025.

Weekly sessions will last 2-3 hours, including preparation, reflection, and application review.

How to Apply

Fill out a short application to be considered for the Steering Group. Tell us why you are applying and what skills and experience you will bring.

Online Application Form

Alternatively, you can submit a short video (maximum five minutes) responding to the application questions. Email your video to ygf@globalfundforchildren.org.

Interviews: Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed during the week of August 12th.

Questions? Learn more about the Young Gamechangers Fund by checking out our Frequently Asked Questions or emailing ygf@globalfundforchildren.org.

We Are Family Foundation Invites You to Apply for Youth To The Front Fund: “The Creatives” Frontliners 2024 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/19/we-are-family-foundation-invites-you-to-apply-for-youth-to-the-front-fund-the-creatives-frontliners-2024/ Fri, 19 Jul 2024 16:00:07 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40360 Overview

The We Are Family Foundation (WAFF) is excited to announce the call for applications for the 2024 Youth To The Front Fund: “The Creatives” Frontliners. This initiative aims to uplift, support, and fund artists and creative collectives who harness the power of creativity to drive change and inspire hope.

Who Can Apply?

The program is open to young creatives under the age of 30 from all continents. Whether you are an artist, cultural worker, or a creative organizer, if you are using your voice and artistic talents to address systemic injustices and shift narratives within your local or global community, this opportunity is for you.

Eligible Creative Fields

  • Visual Arts: Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Photography, Filmmaking, Media, Digital Art, Illustration, Graphic Design, Graffiti, Street Art, Fashion Design, etc.
  • Performance Arts: Dance, Theater, Experimental, etc.
  • Music: Songwriting, Production, DJ-ing, etc.
  • Writing & Literary Arts: Poetry, Prose, Spoken Word, etc.
  • Creative Changemaking: Curation, Cultural Storytelling, Creative Organizing, Cooking & Culinary Arts, Folk Arts, Inclusive Video Game Design and Development, etc.
  • Holistic Healing, Community Spaces & Sports: Holistic Health Practices, Integrative Medicine, Wellness, Mind-Body Therapy, Community Sports Programs, Youth Sports Development, Inclusive Sports Initiatives, etc.

Focus Areas

The fund supports initiatives addressing:

  • Civics & Community Engagement
  • Education Equity
  • Climate Justice
  • Arts & Social Justice
  • Health & Healing Justice

Benefits of the Program

  • Provides funding and resources to support exhibitions, movements, and program initiatives addressing systemic inequalities.
  • Cultivates a community of creative organizers and cultural storytellers.
  • Supports creatives and collectives through cross-networking and collaborations with critical thought partners in arts and social justice.


“We encourage fellow artists, cultural workers, and creative folks to apply! Realizing XTRÆNCESTRAL, traveling to the African continent for such an important event, and connecting with so many interesting people who met for the Lagos Biennial was all quite literally a dream come true. And to make these big dreams happen, you need support. We couldn’t have asked for a more supportive and encouraging team than WAFF.” — Kukily Colectivo, “The Creatives” Frontliners, 2023

“After We Are Family, we have three venues in Mathare right now, so that’s amazing! And, in Mathare, now we are impacting 400 children, which we didn’t have before We Are Family Foundation.” — Franco Odhiambo, Co-Founder, ChezaCheza Dance Foundation & Frontliner, 2022

Eligibility Criteria

  • BIPOC or BIPOC-ally
  • Creative or Collective
  • Under 30 years old

Apply here

Call for mentors to aspiring African Entrepreneurs https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/17/call-for-mentors-to-aspiring-african-entrepreneurs/ Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:14:57 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40297 Are you a business leader with a passion for mentorship? Join the Tony Elumelu Foundation and become a mentor.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation is seeking experienced business leaders from around the world to join our Global TEF Mentor Network. As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to guide and support the next generation of African entrepreneurs, helping them to achieve their business goals and contribute to the economic development of the continent.

How to Apply: We will review all entries and notify applicants if they have been accepted into the Tony Elumelu Foundation Mentor Network.

Click and apply here

Join Innovation For Everyone: Building the worlds largest youth-led Ai ethics literacy movement https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/15/building-the-worlds-largest-youth-led-ai-ethics-literacy-movement/ Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:21:58 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40216 Mobilizing Youth for Responsible Tech & AI Ethics

What We Do

We’re a youth movement working to build responsible technology and create public awareness about the ethical challenges of AI. Through AI research, grassroots organizing, collaboration with companies, and policy outreach, we’re building a movement of AI ethics literacy. We hope to spark nuanced conversations about AI ethics from the classroom to the boardroom, re-envisioning a more equitable and just digital world.

Open Call for Applications!! 📣

We’re excited to announce a global call for applications to join our nonprofit, Innovation for Everyone (IFE). We’re mobilizing young people for responsible tech and AI ethics. Founded in 2020 and officially incorporated as a 501(c)(3) this year, we’ve reached over 70,000 students across 35 countries through partnerships with grassroots organizations, schools, and companies. Our work has been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and CNN.

After restructuring our team and relaunching our updated website, we’re extending an open invite to apply to join our team! We’re looking for young people and students in high school and college to join as core team members or volunteers. Help us scale and expand our outreach efforts, bring IFE programming to schools nationwide, and build public awareness about the ethical challenges of AI.

Our Impact

Through workshops, institutional partnerships, and grassroots outreach, we’re building a global movement bringing together young people to collectively fight for a safer future of AI. Founded in 2020, our movement has expanded over the years and we’re grateful for the support to continue scaling.

  • 70,000 Students
  • 35 Countries

Proud coalition member of Design It For Us, a global youth coalition of activists, organizers, and builders fighting for safer online platforms and social media.

Past Partners & Collaborators

List of partners and collaborators

Join Us

We’re looking for youth leaders to help us amplify and expand our movement. By becoming a youth leader, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, lead initiatives in your community, and collaborate with like-minded individuals globally to ensure a responsible and ethical future for AI.

Learn more and apply HERE

Be a Young Expert: Tech for Health (YET4H) Members Recruitment  https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/14/be-a-young-expert-tech-for-health-yet4h-members-recruitment/ Sun, 14 Jul 2024 21:23:45 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40186 Young Experts; Tech for Health (YET4H) is a dynamic and inclusive network working to center youth rights and perspectives at the heart of digital transformation for Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Led by youth, for youth, YET4H believes in a world where young people are resourced and empowered to interrogate the status quo in digital health, represent the diversity of youth, and shape more inclusive and equitable paradigms in the global digital health agenda. To ensure the youth voice and sustainability of YET4H, we are looking to recruit our third cohort of 8 members from October 2024 to September 2025, to support the implementation of our new digital health and youth engagement work plan.

Our Vision: A global digital health ecosystem that meaningfully engages young people, catering to their unique needs and challenges, recognising them as equal stakeholders and partners in achieving Universal Health Coverage. 

Our Mission: To build thought leadership and engender pathways for meaningful youth participation to reimagine healthcare in a digital age and champion youth voices and perspectives, by harnessing the power of human-centered technology to deliver healthcare that is inclusive, equitable and accessible to all. 

Our Key Objectives: 

  • Build a global youth network that can represent the diversity of young people, and facilitate the sharing of skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities, to engage with the digital health ecosystem, and contribute to making it more inclusive, equitable, and transformative. 
  • Advocate for inclusive, equitable and youth-centered programs and policies within the global digital health agenda towards achieving UHC and health for all. 

Our Host Organization: 

YET4H is an independent youth network hosted by Transform Health, a coalition of organizations dedicated to achieving Universal Health Coverage by increasing access to digital technology and data. The coalition aims to bring together people, organizations and governments around the shared belief in using digital technologies to achieve UHC and will comprise a series of campaigns, programs and initiatives driven by youth as agents of change. Learn more about the coalition here

Purpose of YET4H: 

  • To build the capacity of young people in leveraging technology for health to accelerate and advocate for change. 
  • To provide an opportunity for young people to voice their own experiences and perspectives, particularly young people from marginalized groups and communities.
  • To assemble young people in constructive dialogue that can yield improved results based on programs, investments, policies and solutions on UHC. 
  • To develop campaigns and initiatives in support of leveraging technology for universal health coverage. 
  • To inform the Transform Health coalition on aspects of UHC and young people’s access to health care.

Responsibilities of Members: 

YET4H members are responsible for: 

  • Dedicating approximately 3 – 6 hours a week to YET4H, which includes digital and face-to-face meetings, where necessary. 
  • Collaboratively designing an annual work plan. 
  • Supporting the YET4H coordinator in executing the work plan.
  • Co-authoring policy recommendations and launching campaigns and initiatives in support of leveraging youth-centered and rights-based technology for UHC, in partnership with national and regional youth-led organizations. 
  • Co-designing capacity building opportunities, learning series and other resources to enhance the capacity of young people in digital health advocacy. 
  • Contributing to building YET4H’s presence in social media to reach and engage young people. 
  • Proactively participate in and contribute to at least one of Transform Health coalition’s working circles. 


Additionally, each member is expected contribute actively in at least one of the following YET4H working groups:

  • Communications, Partnerships, and Network Working Group 
  • Digital Health Data Governance Working Group
  • Digital Health Investment Working Group 
  • Members Engagement and Capacity Building Working Group 


Expectations of Members: 

YET4H members are expected to uphold the following principles: 

  • Be proactive and committed to engage relevant stakeholders on behalf of the coalition and YET4H. 
  • Be respectful and mindful of other peoples’ diverse opinions, perspectives, and lived experiences. 
  • Provide constructive advice on policy and projects presented for discussion by the coalition. 
  • Work effectively and collaboratively with others. 
  • Demonstrate the connection of UHC to the broader Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • Respond to emails and messages from the primary point of contacts (the YET4H Coordinator) for this project within 3 business days
  • Be accountable to the YET4H work plan, including being proactively transparent regarding potential periods of reduced activity.

In addition, YET4H members are expected to uphold the following values of YET4H: 

  • Equity, rights, and transformative justice 
  • Inclusive and intersectional approach to our work 
  • Being accountable and transparent with those we work with and work to serve
  • Listening and learning with an ear to the ground 
  • Passion to ethically transform digital health to achieve health for all 
  • Empowering and upskilling diverse youth voices 
  • Leaving no one behind by reaching those who are missing out from existing services 
  • Anti-racism and anti-oppression 
  • People-centered approaches to digital healthcare 
  • Respect and payment to young people for their work 


In return for their commitment, members and facilitators will receive: 

  • A yearly stipend of CHF 1,800  for members
  • Travel support, including: visa reimbursements, accommodation, flights, and expenses to cover participation in select meetings and events (as required). 
  • Support from the YET4H coordinator and the Transform Health coalition to carry out their responsibilities. 
  • Greater experience and knowledge about the role of technology and health, and how to drive related, meaningful global policy agendas with tangible results. 
  • A certificate of appreciation, and an evaluation/reference letter outlining key competencies demonstrated through their participation and contribution, at the end of their tenure. 

Please direct any questions to info@yet4h.org

Apply by filling out this Google Form before 11:59 pm UTC  July 31st, 2024.

Call for Applications: Join the Global Fund Youth Council https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/13/call-for-applications-join-the-global-fund-youth-council/ Sat, 13 Jul 2024 18:31:00 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40178
Are you passionate about the role and contribution of young people in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria? The Global Fund Youth Council is looking for a diverse group of enthusiastic young leaders to drive its work for the next two years. If you’re between 18-25 years old and have a personal or professional connection to these health challenges, this is your opportunity to help inform the Global Fund on actual and changing needs and priorities of young people from around the world.About the Youth Council

The Global Fund Youth Council serves as an advisory body to the Executive Director and the Global Fund Secretariat on matters pertaining to young people affected by the three diseases. Comprising 12 members, the council provides insights and relays critical issues and contextual nuances from across countries eligible to receive Global Fund allocations. It works to ensure that the Global Fund is informed by the unique needs and perspectives of young people, to maximize the impact of Global Fund investments to fight HIV, TB and malaria.

Why Join?

As a member of the Youth Council, you will:

  • Advise on key issues impacting young people related to HIV, TB and malaria.
  • Engage with Global Fund senior leadership and Board constituencies.
  • Coordinate with global and regional youth-led networks to advocate for youth-driven priorities, especially for key and vulnerable populations.
  • Have the opportunity learn more about the Global Fund partnership and enhance your leadership and advocacy skills.

Key Activities

  • Ensure regular communication between the members of the Youth Council, the Global Fund Executive Director, the Global Fund Secretariat, the Constituencies of the Global Fund Board, and others.
  • Strengthen links and coordination with global and regional youth networks and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Increase the recognition of the Global Fund’s Youth Council and its advocacy priorities through regular interaction with the Global Fund Secretariat and Board.
  • Advocate for building capacity of young activists for organizing, resource mobilization and implementing effective action in response to the three diseases.

Current Youth Council Advocacy Priorities

  • Meaningful youth engagement with both the Executive Director and at country level.
  • Formalize the participation of young people, including key populations (KP) and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), in country coordination mechanisms, and ensure that they are engaged in a meaningful and ethical manner in country-level governance processes.
  • Meaningful youth engagement in the Eighth Replenishment of the Global Fund, including through engaging in the implementation of the Advocacy Roadmap, advocating activities to develop a more positive narrative, countering the anti-rights attacks and increasing funding for communities and civil society, with a focus on youth-led funding. Advocate for increased accountability and adherence to the minimum human rights standards in grant agreements in countries that violate human rights.

Who Should Apply?

We welcome applicants who:

  • Were born in 1998 or later.
  • Are engaged with youth organizations, networks or groups in HIV, TB or malaria responses, or other related areas such as gender equality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health, or universal health coverage.
  • Are living with, affected by or vulnerable to HIV, TB and malaria, including individuals from key and vulnerable populations.
  • Can commit at least 2 hours per week to Youth Council activities.
  • Can communicate effectively in English.
  • Have internet access.

Priority Areas: For the 2024-2026 cohort, we are prioritizing applicants from the following priority areas:

  • Malaria: Asia Pacific and Francophone Africa
  • TB: Asia Pacific and Latin America & Caribbean
  • HIV: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Though we are prioritizing these regions, we encourage anyone who matches the criteria  to apply!

Term and Participation

  • Membership term: 24 months.
  • Participation: Remote with one annual in-person meeting anticipated.

How to Apply

To express your interest, please send an email to jonathan.williams-ordonez@theglobalfund.org.

In your email, include:

  1. Your CV (please include your year of birth)
  2. A one-page motivation letter OR a two-minute video answering these questions:
    • Why are you interested in being part of the Youth Council?
    • How would your experience contribute to the Youth Council, especially in relation to HIV, TB, malaria, or broader health issues?
  3. A recommendation letter from the authorized person of your organization, network, group or an affiliated partner organization

The deadline to apply is midnight CEST, 31 July 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming enthusiastic new members to our Youth Council!

COY19 – Volunteer Application https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/2024/07/09/coy19-volunteer-application-form/ Tue, 09 Jul 2024 21:54:09 +0000 https://opportunitiesforyouth.org/?p=40083 As Azerbaijan prepares to host COP29, the largest environment-focused event, it is essential for the youth perspective to be well represented. We are excited to announce the 19th version of the Conference of Youth (COY19) – a conference designed to capture the youth voice, by youth, in a bigger and better way than ever before. But we cannot do it without your help. To deliver the best version of COY yet, we require your assistance in programming, logistics, media, and much more.

COY19 is designed to be organized using a flat team structure, where everyone’s opinions are equally valued and considered. However, to ensure smooth communication, we encourage youth with more leadership experience to apply for the role of coordinators. Coordinators are responsible for facilitating communication between volunteers, coordinating tasks among their team, and communicating progress with the rest of the COY19 organizers.

To ensure we offer you a role aligned with your skills and interests, we need to get to know you a little bit. Hence, please fill out this application form (30-40 min).

Volunteering for COY19 does not guarantee you a spot at the event in person.

Deadline to apply: 21st of July

Apply HERE
