Courses | Opportunities for Youth Empowering Youth through Access to Information and Opportunities Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:07:14 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Courses | Opportunities for Youth 32 32 Bloomberg Journalism Diversity Program 2024 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:07:14 +0000 Applications are now open for the Bloomberg Journalism Diversity Program, presented in partnership with the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media and the Department of Journalism at City, University of London. This unique opportunity allows students to delve into business journalism and gain insights into the economy, companies, financial and commodity markets, government, and more.

Program Highlights

Dates: November 2-6, 2024
Location: London (conducted in-person)
Cost: All expenses covered, including travel, lodging, and meals.

What You’ll Learn

Participants in the program will:

– Acquire a Basic Overview of Markets and Financial Concepts: Gain foundational knowledge crucial for understanding and reporting on the business world.
– Learn the Fundamentals of Business Journalism:*Develop skills in one of the most sought-after fields in media today.
– Practice Writing and Reporting Techniques: Receive hands-on instruction from seasoned Bloomberg journalists.
– Gain Insights on Working in an Inclusive Multicultural Environment: Understand the importance of representation in journalism and how to navigate diverse work settings.
– Join a Network of Mentors and Alumni: Connect with accomplished peers and alumni who can guide you in your journalism career.

Who Should Apply?

– Current Undergraduate Students: Must be studying at a university in the United Kingdom.
– Aspiring Journalists: Students with a strong interest in journalism, particularly business journalism, are encouraged to apply. A background in business is not required.
– Eligible Students: Incoming undergraduate second-year students and above, including graduating bachelor’s students.
– Diverse Backgrounds: Students from ethnically diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process

Deadline: Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (GMT) (early applications encouraged)

Required Materials:
– Curriculum Vitae
– Unofficial Transcript: Showing grades to date.
– Writing Sample (500 words): Identify your professional role model in journalism and explain the attributes you admire most about this person and why.
– Academic Reference: Contact information for one academic reference.

Finalists will be contacted for an interview via video conferencing after the application deadline.

Take the first step toward a dynamic career in business journalism. Apply now to be part of the Bloomberg Journalism Diversity Program 2024 and join a community dedicated to excellence and diversity in journalism.

Appel à Candidature : Formation sur le Leadership des Jeunes des Régions Nord-Sud du Sénégal Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:28:46 +0000 Lancement d’un programme d’un mois destiné à renforcer le leadership, le développement personnel et l’engagement citoyen des jeunes pour une participation active et responsable à la gouvernance et au développement du Sénégal. Ce programme est ouvert aux jeunes filles et garçons âgés de 18 à 35 ans, originaires des régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.

Objectifs du Programme :

  • Dispositions civiques et gouvernance politique : Renforcer les connaissances des jeunes sur la constitution, les lois, les institutions de la République et l’histoire du Sénégal, tout en promouvant le respect des droits humains, dont le droit à un environnement sain.
  • Leadership des jeunes : Encourager une nouvelle génération de travailleurs avec une mentalité forte pour relever les défis du développement. Développer les capacités des jeunes au plaidoyer, à la communication pour le développement (C4D) et à l’art oratoire.
  • Engagement communautaire : Améliorer la participation des jeunes dans les mouvements estudiantins, la société civile et les partis politiques. Créer un réseau de jeunes leaders engagés pour l’amour de la patrie dans les régions concernées.

Critères d’Éligibilité :

  1. Âge : 18 à 35 ans.
  2. Nationalité : Sénégalaise.
  3. Résidence : Originaire et résident(e) dans les régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.
  4. Engagement : Actif dans une association de la société civile, un parti politique ou un mouvement estudiantin.
  5. Disponibilité : Engagement total pendant un mois pour suivre le programme.
  6. Bonne moralité et respect des règles et procédures du PNUD.

Dossiers de Candidature :

  • Preuve d’engagement associatif ou politique.
  • Plan SMART de post-formation.
  • Certificat médical.
  • Pièce d’identité.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Lettre de motivation (300 mots max).
  • Biographie (250 mots max) avec photo.
  • Personne à contacter en cas d’urgence.

Conditions de Prise en Charge :

  • Logistique : Transport aller-retour depuis la région d’origine.
  • Hébergement : Hébergement au centre d’instruction.
  • Restauration : Prise en charge complète.
  • Matériel : Fourniture du matériel nécessaire.

Éthique et Conduite :

Les participants doivent respecter le code de conduite et les exigences de sécurité du Centre de Formation et du PNUD, tout en démontrant une intégrité exemplaire.

Date Limite de Soumission : Samedi 3 août 2024 à 23h59 GMT

Apply here

2024 Global Youth Climate Training Program Application Opens(Fully-funded and offered by University of Oxford) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:40:59 +0000 The Global Youth Climate Training Programme (GYCT) is a free, fully online capacity-building programme that equips people aged 16-35 with the knowledge and confidence necessary to engage in international climate policy. Young people are increasingly being given a seat at the table in domestic and international climate policy, and therefore require appropriate capacity-building to ensure their interventions are cogent and relevant.

This project is a collaboration between the Global Youth Coalition (GYC), a coalition of climate youth changemakers, and researchers at the University of Oxford (Oxford Net Zero, Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment). The joint team delivering this project represents a strong international and intergenerational collaboration, spanning multiple continents, professional backgrounds and ages. We received 10,000 applications for our first iteration of the programme, demonstrating greater need for effective youth capacity building programmes.

2024 Programme

This year, with the generous support of the ClimateWorks Foundation, we are running our second iteration of the programme from 3 September-1 October 2024, with one final session on 1 November 2024. The whole course takes place online.  The programme brochure for this year includes details such as the schedule, focus of this year’s course, and applicant criteria. It can be found here as a PDF and here as a Word version (if using a text-to-voice reader). 

Applications are now OPEN at this link. Applications will be open until 10 August at 23:59 UTC. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis, with all decisions out by 23 August.

The time of the sessions will be decided based on the time zone most appropriate to our selected cohort, but sessions will be between 1-5pm UTC. This programme will be delivered fully online. Participants who are unable to join sessions live will have the recordings to watch within 5 days of the session.  However, we will not record the interactive/workshop sessions. 

Opportunity: COP29 bursary

Through the generous support of the ClimateWorks Foundation, we are delighted that this year we are able to offer 5 bursaries for admitted applicants in our 2024 training to attend COP29. This bursary of up to £3000 is to cover flights, accommodation, food and transport.  We can unfortunately not support accreditation – this is primarily for applicants who have the ability to attend COP29 but face financial barriers.

Application process for the bursary:

  • Apply for the 2024 Global Youth Climate Training Programme (link above and here)
  • Accepted applicants will be directed to a secondary application form to express their interest in receiving a bursary to attend COP29.
  • Applications will open during September and applicants will be informed of the success of their application by early October.

Application criteria for the bursary:

Since we are unable to support all applicants, first priority will be given to applicants representing diverse regions and groups most impacted by climate change.

Our Programme History 

This programme was launched May 2023 to provide greater clarity on the negotiation tracks of the UNFCCC ahead of COP28. It brought together leading experts and young climate professionals and covered topics such as Climate Finance, Loss & Damage, Adaptation & Resilience and more.

Alexis McGivern, Oxford Net Zero Fellow, created and led the programme alongside several youth activists from the Global Youth Coalition, leveraging the University of Oxford’s wide network of climate experts.

The 2023 curriculum was built by consulting 180 young climate justice activists who gave their input on their training needs. We educated 4,500 activists under the age of 35 spreading over 177 countries, with 64% identifying as from Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA).

This youth training is trial of radical open-access and inclusion, with all of the recordings published to YouTube, a completely free course for participants.  We also partnered with EcoInterpreters to offer the course in four languages: English, FrenchSpanish and Portuguese.

Several Oxford Net Zero researchers taught on the 2023 programme (including Dr. Myles Allen, Dr. Jose Maria Valenzuela, Dr. Tom Hale), alongside researchers and practitioners from around the world. The programme was intentionally crafted to prioritise expert Global South voices on climate issues. Each session began with a testimonial by a youth speaker, followed by a technical lecture by relevant global climate experts.

We have received wide recognition for our course, including being used as an example of best practice by the UN Youth Climate Champions team and winning the University of Oxford’s Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Environmental Sustainability.




“The training I received through Global Youth Climate has been a transformative experience in my life. It has not only equipped me with valuable knowledge and skills but has also given me the confidence and motivation to contribute meaningfully to the global efforts in addressing climate change. As a refugee, this opportunity has been a ray of hope, a chance to grow, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are organizations like yours that value the participation of most marginalized people like me.” – Byaombe Lumona

“Honestly I have no words to express what I have learned with the opportunity to attend this training. My views on different aspects and levels surrounding climate change have expanded enormously and this has been shaping the local projects I have been working towards. Thank you so much! – Marilynn Holguín Clover

“One of the greatest things that happened to me this year was being part of this group. Love it here…thank you for such an informative learning session!”- Nhlanhla Sibanda

“Thank you a lot for arranging such lectures! Sometimes the global agenda and negotiations in climate change seem to be so far from me, some days I doubt my abilities to make a valuable contribution and enter the discussions of the international cooperations and institutes, but thanks to the organisers and the smart and young speakers I see than anything is possible, and this atmosphere inspires me to keep pushing forward towards a more resilient and sustainable world.” – Linara Khadimullina

“Three cheers! To the Global Youth Training Team and Oxford Net Zero team. I loved all the sessions. One of the finest youth training I have come across. The content is just great and brilliantly curated! I do hope to see more such training sessions with more specialised topics! Thank you once again!”- Shaurya Patel


For more information, please CLICK HERE 

African AI Startups: Join UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program Thu, 25 Jul 2024 17:39:10 +0000 The Opportunity

Africa is on the brink of an AI revolution. To harness this potential and drive inclusive and responsible growth, a unified effort focusing on data, compute, and talent is essential. The private sector, including AI/tech startups and global companies, can play a critical role in closing gaps in these areas.

The AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design: Startup Acceleration Pilot

Running from September to October 2024, this pilot programme aims to foster innovation and partnerships in data, compute, and talent pipelines—the three critical pillars of local AI ecosystems in Africa. Selected startups will participate in an ecosystem-building event hosted by INNOVIT and the Italian G7 Presidency in San Francisco, California, USA, on 12 – 14 November 2024, where they can showcase their solutions, attract investment, and network with Silicon Valley AI leaders.

Open Call 19 Jul – 5 Aug  Global Call for Applications
Selection 5 Aug – 15 Aug Selection Process
Notification 15 Aug Notify Applicants
Prep Period 1 Sep – 15 Oct Prep Programme
Please note that some of these dates might be subject to slight changes.
San Francisco
8 Nov – 15 Nov Global Networking
Demo 11 Nov – 13 Nov Demo Days
Mentorship Mentorship and Skill Enhancement
Ongoing Support and access to an alumni network and webinars

Application Process

The Call for Applications will run from 19 July to 5 August 2024. Applicants must submit:

  • A completed application form addressing eligibility, project details, and motivation.
  • A concise company profile document (maximum 2 pages), providing an overview of the startup(s), mission, and key team members
  • A PDF or PowerPoint pitch deck (maximum 15 slides) detailing the AI solution, its impact, and vision for growth.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: All materials must be submitted by 5 August 2024, 11:59 UTC+3.

Selection Process

A committee of stakeholders will evaluate applications based on eligibility criteria and alignment with the programme’s objectives.

Who Can Apply

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be based in one of the nine pilot countries outlined in the Italy-Africa Mattei Plan: Algeria, Republic of the Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Côte D’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, or Tunisia.
  • Develop or be aspiring to develop AI solutions addressing one or more SDGs, focusing on Education and Training, Energy, Health, Agriculture, Water, and Infrastructure (both physical and digital).
  • Contribute to the AI Hub’s pillars:
    • Compute distribution and affordability
    • Talent development and orchestration
    • Data quality, accessibility, and digitization
  • Commit to responsible and sustainable AI  development and deployment practices.
  • Have professional-level proficiency in English (required for at least one team member, who will also be expected to participate in the in-person activities of the programme).


We encourage joint applications from startups collaborating on projects with research organizations, private sector organizations, universities, or accelerator networks that meet the programme’s criteria.

For more information, visit the website. If you have questions, email

HBCU Fellowship and Grant program 2024-2025 Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:19:40 +0000 About the Program:

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) HBCU Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program aims to support faculty at Historically Black College or University. (Please consult this list to determine whether your institution is eligible.) in their research endeavors by providing grants and fellowships tailored to the needs of these institutions.

There are two types of awards available through the program:

  1. Grants of up to $10,000 for research project development, with a grant term of 12 to 15 months.
  2. Fellowships of up to $50,000 to support sustained time and engagement with a significant research project, with an award term of 15 to 27 months.


  • ACLS will award up to 12 grants and up to eight fellowships.
  • Applicants are encouraged to choose the award type that best aligns with their research goals and professional commitments.
  • The funds can be used for anything necessary to advance the project.
  • In addition to the stipend, awardees will have access to networking and mentorship opportunities that support their scholarly goals.
  • Each award also includes an institutional grant of $2,500 to the recipient’s home institution to enhance humanities programming or infrastructure.
  • ACLS offers support for applicants through informational webinars, office hours, and feedback on draft applications.

ACLS HBCU Faculty Fellowship Program:

  • Stipend: $30,000 to $50,000 fellowships to be used for semester or year-long research leaves, summer salary, or course releases, and any other activities that advance the proposed project, including (but not limited to) travel to collections or conferences, research and editorial support, and child- or eldercare costs.
  • The award term runs from June 1, 2025, to August 31, 2027
  • The deadline for submitting through the ACLS online fellowship administration system ( is no later than 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, November 6, 2024.


  • Applicants must be employed primarily as instructors at an institution designated as an Historically Black College or University. Applicants do not need to be appointed full-time and do not need to be on the tenure-track. Part-time and adjunct instructors are welcome to apply. All awardees must remain employed at an accredited HBCU for the duration of the award term.
  • Have an MA or PhD in the humanities or related social sciences that was conferred by the application deadline.
  • Projects should focus on humanities or social science topics in higher education settings and incorporate original research.
  • We especially welcome applications from faculty whose perspectives have been historically underrepresented in the academy, including (but not limited to) Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous scholars from around the world; people with disabilities; queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people; and people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • We encourage applications from all types of institutions represented among HBCUs, including both two-year and four-year degree-granting institutions.

Application should include:

  • Completed application form (this includes basic biographical information, as well as short-answer questions describing your project, teaching and service responsibilities, and institutional context).
  • A brief personal statement describing your journey as a scholar and how personal experience, scholarly influences, and broader research interests inform your proposed project (one page, double spaced).
  • Proposal detailing project context and goals, work already undertaken, and resources needed to complete project (no more than five pages, double spaced, including any footnotes or endnotes, and any images).
  • A bibliography of up to two pages (single spaced, with separate sections detailing primary sources – if applicable – and secondary literature).
  • A one-page workplan detailing work to be conducted during award tenure. (Please review the suggested guidelines for this application component.)
  • A basic budget. (ACLS provides a sample template for reference.)

Apply and read more information about the FELLOWSHIP Program

ACLS Project Grants for HBCU Faculty:

  • Up to $10,000 stipend for project activities
  • 12-15 months tenure starting June 1, 2025
  • Additional $2,500 grant to home institution
  • $500 grant for finalists
  • Applications due November 6, 2024
  • Notifications in late March 2025

Use of Grant Funds:

  • Research, teaching, and professional development support
  • Course releases, travel, publications, collaborations, community engagement


  • Instructors at Historically Black College or University with MA or PhD in humanities or related social sciences
  • Must participate in networking events
  • Projects must address humanities or social sciences topics in higher education

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Engaging with field of study
  • Quality of proposal
  • Feasibility of project
  • Appropriateness for funding type
  • Contribution to inclusive excellence

Application should include:

  • Completed application form (this includes basic biographical information, as well as short-answer questions regarding your journey as a scholar, research interests, teaching responsibilities, and institutional context).
  • Proposal detailing the project’s research base and goals; work already undertaken (if any); and resources needed to complete the project (no more than two pages double spaced including any footnotes or endnotes).
  • Optional: Up to one page of images or figures, if needed.
  • A brief personal statement describing your journey as a scholar and how personal experience, scholarly influences, and broader research interests inform your proposed project (one page, double spaced).
  • A bibliography (one page, single spaced, with separate sections detailing primary sources – if applicable – and secondary literature).
  • A one-page workplan detailing work to be conducted during award tenure. (Review the suggested guidelines for this application component.)
  • A basic budget. (ACLS provides a sample template for reference.)

Apply and read more information about the GRANT Program

Apply Now for the Green Africa (GR2A) MSC and PhD Scholarships Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:09:43 +0000 The Green Africa (GR2A) project is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for MSC and PhD scholarships in Green Computing. This initiative, part of the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scholarship program, is designed to support talented African students pursuing studies and research in fields that contribute to sustainability and green technology.

Application Deadline

Applications must be submitted by 31 July 2024.

Fields of Study

The GR2A scholarships cover various disciplines related to sustainability:

  • Green Mining
  • Renewable Energy
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Early Weather Detection
  • Green Agriculture

Participating Institutions

The scholarships are available through five esteemed African institutions:

  • The National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe
  • Cooperative Education Unit – Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST Namibia)
  • The Copperbelt University – Ecampus (CBU) of Zambia
  • Rhodes University (RU) of South Africa
  • The University of Eswatini (UNESWA)

Eligibility Criteria

Target Group 1: African nationals/residents who are enrolled in or have graduated from a higher education institution that is part of the GR2A consortium.

Target Group 2: African citizens and residents enrolled in or graduated from higher education institutions outside the consortium or similar institutions.

Application Process

  1. Eligibility Check: Confirm your eligibility based on target groups.
  2. Field of Study: Ensure your area of interest is covered by GR2A.
  3. Host Institution: Apply for admission through the internal application process of your chosen host university.
  4. Read Guidelines: Review the GR2A prospectus thoroughly.
  5. Prepare Documents: Submit all required documents in English.
  6. Selection Process: Understand the requirements and selection criteria.
  7. Submit Application: Complete and submit your application form.

After Acceptance

If awarded the scholarship, you will receive an offer letter and pre-departure information from your host institution. Prepare for your stay and academic journey with guidance from your host university.

For More Information

Click here

Waging Justice for Women Fellowships: Applications for the 2025 Fellowship Are Now Open! Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:14:10 +0000 For too long, the law has served as a tool of oppression against women and girls, who continue to face inequality throughout the world. The Clooney Foundation for Justice’s Waging Justice for Women (WJW) initiative is working to change this by transforming the law from a tool of oppression into a driver of change. Working hand in hand with grassroots organizations, we use legal empowerment, strategic litigation, and public advocacy to challenge injustice against women and girls.

Fellowship Program

We are proud to launch the second year of CFJ’s Waging Justice for Women Fellowship, a new effort to empower the next generation of feminist lawyers to advance rights for women and girls in their communities.

CFJ and our partner organizations are offering one-year, fully funded fellowships to a class of ten early-career women lawyers in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of CFJ’s Waging Justice for Women Fellowship Program is to equip African gender justice champions with the tools they need to challenge inequality through the courts. These organizations partner with WJW on key issues such as removing legal barriers to girls’ education, combating child marriage, promoting accountability for gender-based violence, and combating economic discrimination and criminalization based on gender stereotypes.

Having a fully funded lawyer for a year increases the ability of these organizations to deliver access to justice for women and girls. CFJ’s Waging Justice for Women Fellowship Program also provides Fellows with mentorship, training, and access to leading lawyers, judges, activists, and academics from across Africa and around the world. We will look to expand the number and geographical scope of the Fellowship in future years.

Each Waging Justice for Women Fellow spends the year embedded with one of ten leading human rights and legal advocacy organizations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Program Overview

CFJ’s Waging Justice for Women Fellowship Program is administered in partnership with the Legal Empowerment Fund at the Fund for Global Human Rights. The Fellowship offers an annual salary and an opportunity to work with leading human rights organizations on gender justice. Fellows support at least one strategic litigation case designed to advance women and girls’ rights in national, regional, or international courts or UN mechanisms. Fellows should expect to be based in the home country of their host organization and have the right to work in that country.

The ten host organizations partnering with CFJ on the Fellowship Program in 2025 are:

  • AdvocAid, Sierra Leone
  • Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL), Liberia
  • Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance (CHREAA), Malawi
  • Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Female Lawyers Association Gambia (FLAG), The Gambia
  • Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA), South Africa
  • Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA), The Gambia
  • Katiba Institute, Kenya
  • Pan-African Lawyers Union (PALU), Tanzania
  • Women Lawyers Association (WLA), Malawi

Fellows also take part in a mentorship & training program, which includes a monthly online curriculum & at least one in-person convening. These programs expose Fellows to a diverse array of women leaders as well as strong peer support networks, which provide added support and inspiration as they pursue public interest work to advance the rights of women, girls, and marginalized communities. CFJ’s Waging Justice for Women Fellowship Program also organizes events with leading women lawyers and judges focused on promoting women in leadership, celebrating the contributions of Africa’s leading women in law, and facilitating discussions about how to accelerate progress on gender justice and equality. We also host events and trainings with peer institutions, including the Obama Foundation’s Girls Opportunity Alliance, to connect our respective Fellows and enable emerging African leaders from different fields to come together to devise innovative solutions to the issues facing women and girls.

Deadline: August 4, 2024

Apply now, apply here!

Emerging Leaders Program Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:29:00 +0000 Program Overview:

Enhance your network by joining the Council’s premier community of visionary leaders from diverse sectors across Chicago, united by their global outlook and commitment to local action.

Program Details:

For one year, 20 of Chicago’s best and brightest, ages 35-45, from some of the city’s most prominent organizations, engage in a rigorous program to further their knowledge of US foreign policy and global affairs and strengthen their leadership skills. Grounded in that experience, they join a circle of globally fluent Chicago leaders for a lifetime of connection and impact.

Class of 2025:

Applications for the class of 2025 will be accepted until September 10, 2024.

Council Emerging Leaders:

Chicago’s Next Generation of Global Leaders

Council Emerging Leaders are exceptional in their fields and represent some of Chicago’s most prominent organizations. These visionary leaders span industries from finance and law to healthcare and manufacturing, and from government and education to the arts and nonprofits.

After completing the Council’s rigorous yearlong program, Emerging Leaders become part of a premier alumni network, deepening their engagement with the Council, and continuing their commitment to shaping our global future.

Apply Now:

Apply Here

En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Camp Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:48:51 +0000 The En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Camp is a free, virtual 8-week training program designed to empower individuals to drive climate action. This program, created by Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan, will equip participants with the skills to engage others using the En-ROADS climate solutions simulator.

Program Details

Start Date: August 1, 2024
Format: Weekly live webinars, engaging videos, quizzes, and an international community for networking
Application Deadline: July 30, 2024
Apply Here: En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Camp Application

Who Should Apply?

This program is ideal for:

  • Leaders in sustainable business practices
  • Changemakers in the climate space
  • Anyone curious about climate action

What You Will Learn

Participants will gain:

  • In-depth insights into effective climate solutions
  • Facilitation techniques for leading engaging climate action events
  • Skills to drive meaningful conversations about climate change

Program Benefits

Upon completing the camp and conducting events, participants will:

  • Have the opportunity to join Climate Interactive’s community of En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors
  • Be part of an international network of individuals leading climate events to make a global impact

Our Mission

Climate Interactive aims to inspire thousands of climate leaders globally to use the En-ROADS simulator, accelerating action on climate change. We invite you to join us and encourage others to become En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors.

For more information and to apply, visit En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Camp Application.

We look forward to your participation!

Exciting Opportunity for Afterschool Professionals to Learn How to Design & Implement a Meaningful Service-Learning Experience Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:52:35 +0000 Are you ready to elevate your afterschool program to new heights? Thanks to the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, YSA is thrilled to announce an exclusive opportunity for afterschool professionals to enhance their skills in engaging youth in meaningful service-learning projects.

What You Can Expect:

Free Online Service-Learning Course

In collaboration with Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, we’re bringing you a cutting-edge online course designed to empower afterschool educators and support professionals. Led by Scott Ganske, YSA Vice President of Education, this “Designing and Implementing a Meaningful Service-Learning Experience” course will equip you with the tools and knowledge to guide your students through impactful service-learning projects. Plus, your registration fee is covered!

Stipend for Professional’s Time

We value your dedication, so we’re offering a $100 stipend for your time spent completing the 15-hour course.

Project Implementation Grant

Upon course completion, you’ll receive a $200 implementation grant to bring your service project to life. With two technical assistance calls, resources, and reporting support, we’re here to ensure your project’s success every step of the way.

Whether you’re new to incorporating service or looking to enhance your existing programs, this opportunity is tailor-made for you! Let us help you enrich the lives of your students while making a difference in your community.


  • Must be employed by a nonprofit organization, faith-based institution, school, or other government entity located in the United States that provides an afterschool program.
  • Each afterschool professional must engage at least 50 young people (ages 5-25) as part of their project.
  • 80% of program participants must be middle and/or high school age.
  • 50% must be from low-income families or neighborhoods.

Apply now to secure your spot and embark on a journey of service and learning with YSA! This opportunity is open to 75 afterschool professionals. Implementation grants will be awarded to your employer for your use. Stipends will be paid to the individual. Priority consideration will be given to afterschool professionals with programs that have never incorporated service before, programs that want to take their youth service programs to a different level with significantly more participation and/or impact, and programs that engage youth who are not usually asked to serve and who face systemic barriers to participation. These include:

  • Young people of color (Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Indigenous youth);
  • Youth from underserved low-income families and neighborhoods; and
  • Youth who are often beneficiaries of service, rather than participants in service (youth in rural communities, youth who are homeless, youth in foster care, youth with disabilities, youth in the juvenile justice system, youth who are immigrants or refugees, youth from military families, youth who are LGBTQ+, and youth who are English language learners).

Program Timeline:

  • June 13, 2024: Application Opens
  • July 21, 2024: Application Deadline
  • Late July – Early August 2024: Application Reviews
  • Mid-August 2024: Participants Announced
  • Late August 2024 (Tentatively August 22): Participant Orientation
  • September – October 2024: Course Completion
  • November 2024: Stipends and Grants Distributed
  • Beginning October/November 2024: Implement Projects (with MLK Day of Service – January 20, 2025 and/or Global Youth Service Day – April 25-27, 2025 activities encouraged)
  • June 6, 2025: Impact Report Due

    Application Deadline: July 21, 2024

    Sign up here to start your application
