Proposal Writing | Opportunities for Youth Empowering Youth through Access to Information and Opportunities Mon, 29 Jul 2024 13:23:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Proposal Writing | Opportunities for Youth 32 32 The British Academy Mid-Career Fellowships: Humanities and Social sciences Mon, 29 Jul 2024 13:21:55 +0000

About the Program:

The British Academy offers Mid-Career Fellowships to support outstanding researchers in the humanities and social sciences. These fellowships aim to provide researchers with the opportunity to focus on completing major research projects and promote public engagement with their work. The primary goal of the Mid-Career Fellowships is to support individual researchers with excellent research proposals and promote public understanding and engagement with the humanities and social sciences.


  • Researchers at various career stages: including early-career, established, mid-career, and postdoctoral researchers
  • Applicants must be employed at a UK-based university, Higher Education institution, or Independent Research Organisation.

  • The Academy is particularly interested in supporting mid-career scholars who have already made significant contributions to their field.

  • Eligibility is not based on age but on the applicant’s academic achievements and communication skills.


Successful applicants will have the opportunity to dedicate six to 12 months to their research projects, free from their normal academic and administrative commitments.

Scope of the Award:

Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how their research will contribute to advances in understanding within their field and engage a broad audience.


The Mid-Career Fellowships are funded under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) framework, with the Academy contributing 80% of the total cost. The salary for Mid-Career Fellows is capped at £80,000, and the total award value is not expected to exceed £152,000. Fellowships can be held for a minimum of six months up to a maximum of twelve months.

Application Process:

The British Academy uses a two-stage application process for the Mid-Career Fellowships. In the first Outline Stage, applicants provide information about their research proposal, publications, and academic commitments. Detailed costing information is not required at this stage. Employing institutions must approve applications by the deadline, after which successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application in January.

Apply by: 21 Aug 2024 – 17:00 BST.

ACLS Fellowship: Supporting Outstanding Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences Mon, 29 Jul 2024 12:30:46 +0000 About the Program:

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is currently accepting applications for its Fellowship program aimed at supporting outstanding scholarship in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. The program provides funding for research and writing projects for scholars at various career stages.

Application Deadline:

Applications must be submitted online through the ACLS online application system by 9:00 PM EDT on September 25, 2024. Read more information about the Fellowship.

Fellowship Details:

  • Maximum award: $60,000
  • Tenure: six to twelve months for full-time research and/or writing between July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026, with completion by December 31, 2026.
  • Fellowship open to scholars at all postdoctoral career stages with a PhD in humanities or interpretive social sciences by the deadline.


  • Applicants must be US citizens, permanent residents, Indigenous individuals, DACA recipients, asylees, or refugees.
  • Foreign nationals residing in the US for three or more years before the application deadline are also eligible.
  • Applicants must have a PhD in humanities or interpretive social sciences by the application deadline or demonstrate equivalent scholarly expertise.

Application Guidelines:

  • Completed application form.
  • Proposal (no more than five pages, double-spaced).
  • Work plan, bibliography, publications list, and personal statement.
  • Writing sample (no more than five pages, single-spaced).
  • No reference letters required for the 2024-25 competition cycle.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Potential to advance the field of study.
  • Quality and innovativeness of the proposal.
  • Feasibility of the project.
  • Scholarly record and career trajectory.
  • Contribution to inclusive excellence in scholarship.

ACLS/New York Public Library Fellowships

ACLS may award residential fellowships in conjunction with The New York Public Library’s Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. This opportunity does require a separate application, due by 5 pm Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, September 27, 2024. ACLS/NYPL fellowships are subfellowships within the ACLS Fellowship program; they have the same eligibility requirements, application form, and schedule. The only additional proviso is that these residential fellowships will be granted to scholars whose projects will benefit from research in the NYPL’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Please Note: Because this is a joint fellowship, applicants for ACLS/NYPL residential fellowships must also apply to the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the NYPL. The application for the NYPL competition is available here. The deadline for application and three letters of recommendation is 5 pm Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, September 27, 2024.

  • Partnership with The New York Public Library’s Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.
  • Tenure from September 2025 to May 2026.
  • Stipend of $85,000 for residential fellowships within the ACLS Fellowship program.

Supporting Documents and Resources

Call for Proposals: Environmental and Climate Justice Sat, 28 Oct 2023 18:56:41 +0000 Urgent Action Fund-Africa (UAF-Africa) is a feminist, pan African, rapid response Fund committed to transforming power relations through resourcing African feminists and Womn[1] Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) and their formations, as an act of solidarity. We are a part of the ecosystem of feminist and womn’s rights movements in Africa and globally. In character, we are bold and courageous, proactive, and responsive, creative, and rigorous, curious, alert, and agile, imaginative, and grounded, consistent, and reliable.

UAF-Africa innovatively operates as a virtual organisation with strategic presence across the five African sub-regions. This strategy seeks to help expand the Fund’s reach and imprint to ensure a wider and deeper presence across, and an understanding, of the continent.


Environment and climate injustices are widespread across Africa impacting womn who bear the brunt in terms of land grabbing, deforestation, extractives, climate, and water injustices. Land is the major livelihood for womn yet it is being contended for by the multinationals who exploit minerals stripping the land of its potentials to provide needed livelihood, polluting available water and driving womn to further distances in search of water where they get abused in the process. UAF- Africa recognises that for womn, the impact of deforestation means inability to engage in small scale sustenance farming closer to their homes as well as  having to walk longer distances for firewood and to access clean water sources. Womn make up 47% of the agricultural labour force in Africa and yet they are not considered as key decision makers or influencers of the issues that impact the sector.

Despite efforts made by the UN to develop the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guiding framework for governments and businesses to reclaim the environment, most countries are not on tract to meet these goals by 2030 which would further impact Africa. Climate change is inherently intertwined with social and economic injustice and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report of 2018, more than 2 billion people will experience food insecurity, water shortages, severe drought, and rising sea level if global warming reaches 2 degrees centigrade. Due to the intersection of neoliberal capitalism and patriarchy, issues of deforestation, droughts and other natural catastrophes work to pose significant governance challenges at the international, national, and local levels where decisions affect the distribution of environmental and climate costs and often perpetuate, rather than alleviate, environmental injustices which impacts the marginalized.

UAF-Africa’s approach to environmental and climate Justice uses a feminist lens that interrogates the root causes of the environmental challenges with the aim of analyzing existing power structures and their impact on womn. Environmental issues such as lack of access to water, land grabbing, dangerous gas emissions, oil spillages, gas flaring, deforestation, droughts, flooding and all identifiable environment and climate issues have a disproportionate impact on womn. UAF-Africa partners with WHRDs, feminist groups, and movements to challenge environmental injustices meted on the womn, advocate for the participation of womn in decision making spaces, and dismantling of power structures that perpetuate gender inequalities.


The objective for this call for proposals is to invite eligible environmental feminists, womn rights organisations, collectives, groups, and movements who are passionate and knowledgeable to challenge the injustice meted on womn in land grabbing, deforestation, extractives, and water. We aim to support transformative, catalytic, and bold initiatives that address a shift in power dynamics for systemic change that is inclusive and transformative.  With intentionality to focus on environmental womn human rights defenders and organisations operating at grassroots, it is an objective of this call to amplify their voices and allow for the building and strengthening of movements which elevate their contributions to the womns rights movement. The highlighted areas below serve as a guide for the grant applications with emphasis on innovative, strategic, and real- life situations captured succinctly to enact change:

  1. Land, extractives, deforestation, and water injustices targeted at womn:  We will support initiatives that seek to expose injustices in land grabbing by the extractive industries for mining purposes, and denial of womn’s access, control, and ownership of land. Initiatives that seek to tackle deforestation that impedes biodiversity and water injustice in terms of access and use of water by womn will also be considered.
  2. Sustaining of Womn Human rights Defenders: We will support the wellbeing, safety, and security of womn human rights defenders facing resistance and backlash while formally or informally challenging current environmental and climate injustices, and the status quo.
  3. Policy and legislative advocacy: We will support feminist organisations across Africa that identify policies to leverage on its benefits for womn to thrive such as decarbonisation, curbing temperature rise to 1.5 degree centigrade by 2050, campaigns on loss and damage, just climate transition, biodiversity, land grabbing, deforestation, extractives and climate related issues.
  4. Womn participation and agency: We will support Advocacy for inclusion of womn in decision-making and strategy development on environment and climate justice, specifically, challenges such as land grabbing, extractives’, deforestation, water contamination, air pollution and access to water.
  5. Research and documentation: We will support research and knowledge generation on community or indigenous womn affected by environmental degradation and climate change, womn’s interaction with land, flooding, and pollution with the intention of transforming womn’s lived realities.

UAF-Africa will provide Rapid Response Grants of up to USD 10,000, and Advocacy and Alliance Building Grants of up to USD 15,000 to support the above mentioned interventions implemented in  Rainforest zones across Africa, listed below.

Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, Ethiopia, Zambia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Angola, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Togo.

How to Apply

The Call for Proposals is open from 4th October 2023 and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from feminist, womn’s rights and climate justice defenders, collectives, cooperatives, groups, organisations, and movements working in the countries mentioned above.

To apply, kindly access the Rapid Response or Advocacy and Alliance Building application forms on our website at: Once completed, email your application to If you need further information on this Call for Proposals, please contact UAF-Africa by sending an email to with the subject line: Environmental and Climate Justice – Rainforests.

For further information please visit:


TWELVE STEPS TO A WINNING RESEARCH PROPOSAL Wed, 12 Feb 2020 09:31:04 +0000 1. Know yourself: Know your area of expertise, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses.
2. Know the program from which you seek support: You are responsible for finding the appropriate program for support of your research.

3. Read the program announcement: Programs and special activities have specific goals and specific requirements.
4. Formulate an appropriate research objective.

5. Develop a viable research plan.
6. State your research objective clearly in your proposal: A good research proposal includes a clear statement of the research objective.

7. Frame your project around the work of others
8. Grammar and spelling count.

9. Format and brevity are important.
10. Know the review process.

11. Proofread your proposal before it is sent.
12. Submit your proposal on time.

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