Africa | Opportunities for Youth Empowering Youth through Access to Information and Opportunities Tue, 30 Jul 2024 15:50:14 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Africa | Opportunities for Youth 32 32 19th World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace – PeaceLab Youth Projects Tue, 30 Jul 2024 15:36:03 +0000 The 19th World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace invites young leaders and innovators to participate in the PeaceLab Youth Projects. This prestigious event, held in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, from September 18-21, 2024, will bring together local and international youth to share groundbreaking ideas for sustainable peace and development.

Event Overview The PeaceLab Youth Projects provide a unique platform for young people to discuss and present innovative strategies for peacebuilding. This initiative encourages participants to engage in interactive sessions, fostering an environment of shared learning and collaboration. The summit aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement positive changes in their communities.

Application Guidelines Participants are encouraged to design projects that are interactive and impactful, focusing on peacebuilding strategies that can be applied locally and globally. Projects should be non-political and unbiased, emphasizing practical solutions to real-world challenges.

Eligibility and Submission

  • Applicants must be under 35 years old.
  • The event will be hybrid, allowing for both in-person and online participation.
  • Applications must be submitted by August 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM UTC.

Evaluation and Awards A committee will review all applications and present the top five to Nobel Peace Laureates, who will select the final winners. The evaluation criteria include the project’s relevance, cultural and social importance, commitment to sustainable peace and development, innovation, use of technology and social media, and clarity of the proposal.

Winners will receive financial support to implement their projects, making this an exceptional opportunity to make a tangible impact.

Apply now, apply here

Appel à Candidature : Formation sur le Leadership des Jeunes des Régions Nord-Sud du Sénégal Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:28:46 +0000 Lancement d’un programme d’un mois destiné à renforcer le leadership, le développement personnel et l’engagement citoyen des jeunes pour une participation active et responsable à la gouvernance et au développement du Sénégal. Ce programme est ouvert aux jeunes filles et garçons âgés de 18 à 35 ans, originaires des régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.

Objectifs du Programme :

  • Dispositions civiques et gouvernance politique : Renforcer les connaissances des jeunes sur la constitution, les lois, les institutions de la République et l’histoire du Sénégal, tout en promouvant le respect des droits humains, dont le droit à un environnement sain.
  • Leadership des jeunes : Encourager une nouvelle génération de travailleurs avec une mentalité forte pour relever les défis du développement. Développer les capacités des jeunes au plaidoyer, à la communication pour le développement (C4D) et à l’art oratoire.
  • Engagement communautaire : Améliorer la participation des jeunes dans les mouvements estudiantins, la société civile et les partis politiques. Créer un réseau de jeunes leaders engagés pour l’amour de la patrie dans les régions concernées.

Critères d’Éligibilité :

  1. Âge : 18 à 35 ans.
  2. Nationalité : Sénégalaise.
  3. Résidence : Originaire et résident(e) dans les régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.
  4. Engagement : Actif dans une association de la société civile, un parti politique ou un mouvement estudiantin.
  5. Disponibilité : Engagement total pendant un mois pour suivre le programme.
  6. Bonne moralité et respect des règles et procédures du PNUD.

Dossiers de Candidature :

  • Preuve d’engagement associatif ou politique.
  • Plan SMART de post-formation.
  • Certificat médical.
  • Pièce d’identité.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Lettre de motivation (300 mots max).
  • Biographie (250 mots max) avec photo.
  • Personne à contacter en cas d’urgence.

Conditions de Prise en Charge :

  • Logistique : Transport aller-retour depuis la région d’origine.
  • Hébergement : Hébergement au centre d’instruction.
  • Restauration : Prise en charge complète.
  • Matériel : Fourniture du matériel nécessaire.

Éthique et Conduite :

Les participants doivent respecter le code de conduite et les exigences de sécurité du Centre de Formation et du PNUD, tout en démontrant une intégrité exemplaire.

Date Limite de Soumission : Samedi 3 août 2024 à 23h59 GMT

Apply here

Multiple Fully Funded PhD Positions at University of Bologna, Italy Tue, 30 Jul 2024 13:41:49 +0000 The University of Bologna, also known as Alma Mater Studiorum, is offering multiple fully funded PhD positions for the academic year 2024/2025. These positions are available in various fields, including Political and Social Sciences. The scholarships provide a monthly stipend to PhD candidates, with payments typically processed on or after the 25th of each month.

Application Details

  • Location: Bologna, Italy
  • Posted Date: July 27, 2024
  • Application Deadline: August 7, 2024

Steps to Submit the Application:

  1. Log in to Studenti Online.
  2. Select “Admission application,” then “PhD programme,” and click “Next.”
  3. Choose the PhD program you intend to apply for.
  4. Complete the online application form and upload the required documents.
  5. Pay the €5 admission fee using the PagoPA system
  6. Click on “Submit.”

Important Note: Applications must be fully completed and submitted by the deadline to be considered.


  • Economics: The yearly gross scholarship amount is €16,243.
  • Management and Political and Social Sciences: The yearly gross scholarship amount is €17,805.

These scholarships are fully funded and provide a comprehensive stipend to support students throughout their PhD studies.

How to Apply:

Apply here

European Union Call for African Youth to Apply to Join Young Innovators in Africa Spotlight Initiative: Apply Now! Tue, 30 Jul 2024 07:35:11 +0000 The Young Innovators in Africa Spotlight is an exciting opportunity for young Africans who are making significant contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative approaches. This initiative is led by the European Union Youth Sounding Boards in Malawi and Nigeria, aiming to highlight and celebrate the impactful work of young innovators across the continent.

Who Can Apply?

The spotlight is open to all African youths residing in Africa, between the ages of 18 and 30. This is your chance to gain recognition for your initiatives and be celebrated for your efforts in driving sustainable development in Africa.

Why Participate?

  • Recognition: Gain visibility and acknowledgment for your innovative contributions.
  • Network: Connect with other young innovators and stakeholders across the continent.
  • Support: Receive potential support and resources to further your initiatives.

How to Apply

Apply NOW to be part of the Young Innovators in Africa Spotlight via the following link: Young Innovators in Africa Spotlight Application.

Important Date

  • Deadline for applications: 5th August

Don’t miss this opportunity to shine a light on your innovative work and join a community of young leaders making a difference in Africa. Apply today and take a step towards making a greater impact!

For more details and updates, follow us on our social media channels and stay tuned for announcements regarding the selected innovators.

$50,000 Post-Harvest Loss Innovation Prize Mon, 29 Jul 2024 21:17:30 +0000 The Shell Foundation and Factor E Ventures, in partnership with the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), proudly announce the $50,000 Post-Harvest Loss Innovation Prize. This competition seeks groundbreaking solutions to reduce post-harvest loss and empower smallholder farmers in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Who Can Apply?

Innovators from any geography globally can apply, provided their solutions have relevance and applicability in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Eligible applicants include startups, universities, non-profit organizations, or for-profit companies.

The Challenge

Globally, one-third of all food produced is lost or wasted before reaching consumers, causing significant economic and environmental impacts. Smallholder farmers, particularly in emerging markets, face severe consequences due to post-harvest losses, which reduce their incomes and exacerbate food insecurity. These farmers often lack access to reliable energy for critical processes like storage, preservation, and transportation, highlighting the need for affordable and scalable innovations.

The Opportunity

The Post-Harvest Loss Innovation Prize offers more than just a financial reward. Finalists will gain access to a network of experienced industry leaders, receive media exposure, and benefit from post-investment support. The goal is to identify scalable and cost-effective solutions that not only reduce post-harvest losses but also increase farmer incomes, yields, and climate resilience.

About the Shell Foundation and Factor E Ventures

The Shell Foundation, a UK-registered charity, partners with FCDO to enhance energy access for smallholder farmers and SMEs in emerging markets. Factor E Ventures invests in innovative solutions addressing global climate and development challenges.

About the Prize

The prize seeks innovative technologies, business models, hardware, or software solutions that can reduce post-harvest losses for smallholder farmers. Solutions must demonstrate a clear path to scalability, minimal behavioral changes required for adoption, and potential for substantial impact.

Key Evaluation Criteria:

  • Innovation: Novel approaches tailored to smallholder farmers.
  • Solution Validation: Proven success in testing environments.
  • Global Applicability: Relevance to South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, with potential scalability.
  • Gender Impact: Positive effects on female farmers.
  • Scalability and Reach: Potential to empower over 1 million farmers.
  • Farm-Level Implementation: Direct usability by farmers.
  • Financial Traction: Evidence of financial sustainability.
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL): Preferably beyond validation stage.

Eligibility: Open to startups, universities, non-profits, and for-profit companies globally.

Submission: Submit your application by August 14, 2024


  • Request for Applications: June 26, 2024
  • Application Deadline: August 14, 2024
  • Application Review: August 1, 2024 – September 13, 2024
  • Notification to Applicants: September 16, 2024
  • Finalists Announced: September 17, 2024
  • Award Announcement: September 25, 2024

Application Deadline: August 14, 2024

Apply here

Think Trade, Think Green: Commonwealth Innovative Youth Essay Award Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:53:34 +0000 The Commonwealth Secretariat is thrilled to announce the launch of the Think Trade, Think Green: Commonwealth Innovative Youth Essay Award Competition. This prestigious competition invites young researchers and students aged 18-29 from Commonwealth nations to engage in a critical examination of how trade and trade policy can contribute to addressing climate change.

Who Can Apply?

This competition is open to youth aged between 18 and 29 who are nationals of any of the Commonwealth’s 56 member countries. These include nations from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Pacific, Europe, and North America.

About the Competition

Objective: The primary goal of the competition is to challenge young minds to explore the interplay between trade and climate change and to propose innovative trade policy solutions that can mitigate aspects of the climate crisis.

Essay Topic: Participants are invited to submit essays addressing the question: In what ways do you think trade and trade policy can help to address an aspect of the climate crisis in your country? Essays should identify a specific problem, explain its connection to the climate crisis, and propose how trade or trade policy could be utilized to resolve it.

Submission Requirements:

  • Maximum of 2,000 words (including in-text references and footnotes, excluding reference list)
  • Full referencing in any style
  • Single PDF or Word file, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font
  • Include Name, Age, Nationality, Contact Information (email, address, telephone), and CV or short bio

Important Dates:

  • Start Date: 15 July 2024
  • Submission Deadline: 21 August 2024
  • Winners Informed: 2 September 2024

How to Submit: Send your completed essay and details to by 21 August 2024. For inquiries, contact the same email address.

Judging Criteria: Essays will be judged on originality, relevance, quality of writing, and alignment with international trade policy frameworks. Entries will be blind peer-reviewed and assessed by a distinguished panel.


  • First Prize: £1,000
  • Second and Third Prizes: £500 each
  • Top essays will be featured in the Trade Competitiveness Briefing Series and launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa in October.

Terms and Conditions: The Commonwealth Secretariat reserves the right to publish the material produced by the authors and will adhere to data protection laws.

About the Commonwealth Year of Youth

With over 60% of its 2.7 billion population aged between 15 and 29, the Commonwealth prioritizes youth empowerment. The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP), in partnership with the Trade Competitiveness Section, invites young people to participate in this competition, reinforcing their role in climate action and policy.

Join us in this exciting opportunity to shape a sustainable future through innovative trade and climate solutions!

Apply now, apply here

Apply Next Generation Resource Governance Leaders Program: Building Africa’s Future Leaders Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:47:12 +0000

The Next Generation Resource Governance Leaders Program is an internship designed to blend theoretical knowledge with real-world application. This initiative aims to equip participants with multidisciplinary intellectual development, practical skills, and research abilities essential for innovative problem-solving in governance. Additionally, the Program seeks to cultivate a pipeline of young pan-African leaders, ensuring a sustainable path for good governance across the continent.

Our Vision

At the heart of our mission is the ambition to train and nurture young people within an enabling working environment through a structured capacity development process. This includes training in transformational leadership development, professional and career growth, and digital communication and technology skills. Beyond technical training in resource governance, interns will gain the tools and guidance to set and achieve realistic personal and professional goals, supported by comprehensive ethical leadership training.

Program Details

ACEP is now accepting applications for the 7th cohort of the Program, which will run from September to November 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Next Generation Resource Governance Leaders Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a young African residing in Africa, passionate about converting the continent’s extractive resources into sustainable and inclusive development.
  • Hold relevant academic qualifications in fields such as economics (including energy), engineering (petroleum/electrical), oil and gas management, public policy, law, political economy, development studies, development finance, project management, communications, statistics, mathematics, etc.
  • Exhibit strong writing skills with clarity and logical flow.
  • Possess adequate knowledge of qualitative and quantitative analytical tools (e.g., R, Stata, Eviews, NVivo, Atlas.ti).
  • Demonstrate the ability to multitask, prioritize, and meet deadlines.
  • Have good interpersonal skills and a strong team spirit.
  • Show creativity and initiative in problem-solving.
  • Take ownership and responsibility for decisions and actions.
  • Exhibit strong leadership qualities.

Responsibilities of NextGen Leaders

Selected NextGen Leaders will play a critical role in maintaining ACEP’s position as a thought leader in Africa’s energy and extractive policy space through the following activities:

  • Contributing to research reports and policy briefs on Africa’s energy and extractives sector.
  • Supporting media engagement activities to promote ACEP’s outputs and positions.
  • Assisting in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of annual programs.
  • Supporting organizational development and resource mobilization efforts, including grant and proposal writing.
  • Contributing to program management, monitoring, and evaluation (M&E) activities.

What ACEP Offers

ACEP is committed to supporting the growth and development of NextGen Leaders by providing:

  • Training and development opportunities.
  • Coaching, mentorship, and peer support.
  • A generous stipend and free lunch during the program.
  • Decent accommodation for international participants.
  • An approved return ticket from the participant’s home country to Ghana.

Application Documents

Interested applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV) in reverse chronological order.
  • Copies of higher education degree certificates.
  • A motivational statement (maximum 500 words).
  • A current written reference from a university lecturer, former employer, or other professional (not a family member).
  • A written response to one of the two provided essay questions (find the essay questions here).

Note: Documents not in English must include an English translation.

Language of Instruction

The language of instruction for the Program is English. Applicants must have a working knowledge of English.

Selection Process

The selection process is thorough, with all required documents playing a crucial role. Successful candidates will be invited for an interview in mid-August 2024.

How to Apply

Interested individuals can apply by clicking the button below. The application period begins on Monday, July 29, 2024, and ends at 11:59 PM GMT on Sunday, August 11, 2024.

Apply Now

McKinsey’s Young Leaders Programme: Consulting Fellowship Opportunity for West African Graduates (Full-Time)) Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:45:27 +0000 McKinsey & Company is committed to developing exceptional talent through its innovative programs. The Young Leaders Programme (YLP) offers recent graduates a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in consulting.

The Young Leaders Programme is a 1-year full-time fellowship consulting program in Lagos. As a YLP fellow, individuals will join McKinsey’s Lagos office and become key members of consulting teams, working directly with clients to drive impactful solutions. The program is designed for those passionate about consulting and eager to contribute to Africa’s growth, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the industry and emerge as future leaders.

Key Responsibilities

  • Client Engagement: Collaborate in teams of 3-5 consultants, actively participating in all stages of client projects.
  • Analysis & Recommendations: Gather and analyze data, develop and test hypotheses, and create actionable recommendations.
  • Presentation & Implementation: Present findings to clients and work alongside client teams to implement recommendations.
  • Skill Development: Receive top-tier training and ongoing coaching and mentoring from experienced colleagues.

Successful completion of the YLP may lead to a full-time business analyst role with the office, contingent upon performance.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: For West African graduates who have completed or are about to start their mandatory national youth service.
  • Education: Undergraduate or master’s degree.
  • Experience: Less than 3 years of work experience
  • Achievements: Outstanding academic record and demonstrated leadership through extracurricular activities or work experience.
  • Skills: Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving abilities, effective communication of complex ideas in English (both verbally and in writing), and strong teamwork capabilities.

Interested in knowing more – register for our YLP Information session on August 6th.

Deadline: August 16th

Industries Served

  • Agriculture
  • Automotive & Assembly
  • Capital Projects & Infrastructure
  • Chemicals
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Electric Power & Natural Gas
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare Systems & Services
  • High Tech
  • Industrials & Electronics
  • Infrastructure
  • Life Sciences
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Metals & Mining
  • Oil & Gas
  • Paper & Forest Products
  • Private Capital
  • Public Sector
  • Retail
  • Semiconductors
  • Social Sector
  • Telecommunications
  • Travel, Transport & Logistics

Embark on a transformative journey with the Young Leaders Programme and shape the future of consulting in Africa. Apply today to make an impact!

For more information, visit the website here.

Professionals in Germany: Explore Sponsored Assignments in Your Country of Origin with Diaspora2030 Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:55:56 +0000

About Us

Diaspora2030 is a platform for people in Germany with a migration history who are interested or engaged in the field of development. By leveraging their expertise and experience, the program aims to support sustainable development in partner countries.

“Shaping Development-Oriented Migration” facilitates short-term assignments that empower diaspora communities to make meaningful impacts, contributing to global development goals and fostering knowledge exchange. If you aspire to initiate change and support a future worth living for people in your country of origin, Diaspora2030 provides the opportunity to do so.

The Diaspora2030 website is run by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The services and funding opportunities presented here are provided primarily through the Programme Shaping Development-Oriented Migration (MEG) which is currently active in 15 countries.

What We Offer

  • Financial Assistance: Support towards your expenses during the assignment.
  • Paid Travel Expenses: Coverage for your travel costs.
  • Basic Insurance Package: Insurance coverage for the duration of your assignment.
  • Referral Services: Connections to suitable organizations interested in your expertise.
  • Local Support: Assistance from our team of coordinators during your assignment.

Your Profile

  • Migration background: Currently living in Germany and have a migration history from one of the following countries: Albania, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine or Vietnam
  • Educational Background: Completed your vocational training or university degree in Germany, or your degree is recognized in Germany.
  • Professional Experience: At least five years of relevant professional experience in Germany or another OECD country in the field you wish to work in during your assignment.
  • Assignment Plans: Plan to undertake a short-term assignment of between two weeks and three months in a development-related area, especially in the priority areas of gender, climate protection, or health.

How to Apply

Please send your application to The application should include the following documents:

  • Up-to-date CV
  • Motivation Letter: Briefly explain your motivation to apply and your ideas for the assignment.
  • Completed Expression of Interest

Application Deadline: Please send your application as early as possible (at least three months before your planned assignment).

*By sending your personal data via email, you agree that your personal data will also be processed by the Programme “Shaping Development-Oriented Migration” (MEG) and transmitted to other bodies as part of the placement. These include our partner institutions. This consent can be withdrawn at any time by sending an email to

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Do you still have questions about the requirements, conditions, and application process? Learn more

You can also visit the website for more information about Diaspora2030

USAID Response Leadership Activity Fellowship Program: Apply for Cohort-3(Fully-funded and open to recent graduates in Ethiopia) Mon, 29 Jul 2024 05:17:40 +0000 About the Fellowship Program

The USAID Response Leadership Activity Fellowship Program is a prestigious two-year initiative aimed at cultivating the next generation of disaster risk management (DRM) professionals in Ethiopia. Building on the success of our first two cohorts, which saw over 300 fellows placed in various governmental organizations, we are thrilled to announce the application opening for Cohort-3. We are seeking 150 recent graduates from our partner universities to join this transformative program.

Program Benefits

  • On-the-Job Training: Gain practical experience in DRM.
  • Professional Development: Access to workshops and seminars.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Engage in projects that shape the future of DRM in Ethiopia.
  • Networking: Connect with professionals and alumni.
  • Monthly Stipend: Financial support for your living expenses.

Applications are now open, and we encourage all eligible recent graduates to apply!

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Recent Graduates: Graduates of 2014 E.C. (2021/22), 2015 E.C. (2022/23), and 2016 E.C. (2023/24) from the following universities:
    • Ambo University
    • Arba Minch University
    • Bahir Dar University
    • Gambella University
    • Hawassa University
    • Jigjiga University
    • Jimma University
    • Mekelle University
    • Samara University
    • University of Gondar
    • Wollo University
  • Exit Exam Certificate: For 2015 E.C. and 2016 E.C. graduates, a Ministry of Education Exit Exam certificate is required.
  • Relevant Degrees: BA/BSc in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development, Health Officer, Public Health, Occupational Safety and Health, Plant Science/Crop Protection, Animal Science, Natural Resource Management, Geography and Environmental Studies, Environmental Health Science, Environmental Science, Food and Nutrition, Management, Economics, Water Resource and Hydraulics Engineering, Information Communication Technology (ICT), or Computer Sciences.
  • Unemployed: Must provide an unemployment letter from authorized government offices (Residence Kebele Administration).
  • Language Proficiency: Proficient in English and the working language of the respective region.
  • Encouraged Applicants: Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply.

Application Process

How to Apply Online

  1. Read the Application Call: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. Access the Online Form: Use the link provided in the application announcement.
  3. Sign In to Google: Complete and submit your application form and upload the required documents.
  4. Follow Instructions: Carefully fill in your information as instructed in the form.
  5. Save Progress: Your information is automatically saved, allowing you to complete the form in multiple sittings.
  6. Review and Submit: Once all sections are complete, submit your application. A confirmation email with your response copy will be sent to you.
  7. Edit Submissions: You can edit your submitted application until the deadline using the link in your confirmation email.

Key Dates

  • Application Opening: Monday, July 22, 2024
  • Application Deadline: Sunday, August 11, 2024

Special In-Person Application Option

For applicants in regions with limited internet access, in-person applications are accepted at partner universities from July 29, 2024, to August 9, 2024, during working hours. Download the form here or obtain it from the university’s designated office. Note that online submissions are strongly encouraged for faster processing.

Additional Tips

  • Read Instructions Carefully: Before submitting your application, ensure you understand and follow all guidelines.
  • Document Quality: Upload clear and readable scanned copies of required documents.
  • Early Submission: Apply early to avoid last-minute issues.
  • Original Work: Ensure all responses are your own. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
  • Complete in English: The application must be filled out in English only.
  • Proofread: Double-check your application for accuracy before submission.

Stay updated by visiting our website and joining our Telegram group.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Abraham Mebrat

Email: or

Tel: +251-0583206065/6
