Education | Opportunities for Youth Empowering Youth through Access to Information and Opportunities Wed, 31 Jul 2024 13:44:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Education | Opportunities for Youth 32 32 Apply for the British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2024-25: Humanities and Social Sciences Wed, 31 Jul 2024 13:44:22 +0000 About the Program:

The British Academy, in partnership with the Department of Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), has launched the Innovation Fellowships scheme. This scheme aims to support early-career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences to collaborate with organizations and businesses in various sectors to address challenges requiring innovative solutions.

Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

Routes and Partnerships:

The Innovation Fellowships scheme offers two routes: Route A, which is Researcher-led, and Route B, which is Policy-led. The current call is for Route B, in collaboration with the FCDO, which has specific research needs and operates in a context where timely access to evidence-based analysis is crucial for success.

Areas of Focus:

The Academy and FCDO are inviting applications for Fellowships in the following areas:

  1. India
  2. The politics of energy transition and climate change in Africa
  3. The role of technology in shaping citizen-state relations in Africa

Application Details:

  • Application Deadline: 27 November 2024– 17:00 GMT

  • Starting period of award: Between 1 January 2025 and 31 March 2025
  • Duration of award: 12 months
  • Level of award: Up to £120,000 for 12 months (with Full Economic Costing at 80%)

Read more and apply.

Appel à Candidature : Formation sur le Leadership des Jeunes des Régions Nord-Sud du Sénégal Tue, 30 Jul 2024 14:28:46 +0000 Lancement d’un programme d’un mois destiné à renforcer le leadership, le développement personnel et l’engagement citoyen des jeunes pour une participation active et responsable à la gouvernance et au développement du Sénégal. Ce programme est ouvert aux jeunes filles et garçons âgés de 18 à 35 ans, originaires des régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.

Objectifs du Programme :

  • Dispositions civiques et gouvernance politique : Renforcer les connaissances des jeunes sur la constitution, les lois, les institutions de la République et l’histoire du Sénégal, tout en promouvant le respect des droits humains, dont le droit à un environnement sain.
  • Leadership des jeunes : Encourager une nouvelle génération de travailleurs avec une mentalité forte pour relever les défis du développement. Développer les capacités des jeunes au plaidoyer, à la communication pour le développement (C4D) et à l’art oratoire.
  • Engagement communautaire : Améliorer la participation des jeunes dans les mouvements estudiantins, la société civile et les partis politiques. Créer un réseau de jeunes leaders engagés pour l’amour de la patrie dans les régions concernées.

Critères d’Éligibilité :

  1. Âge : 18 à 35 ans.
  2. Nationalité : Sénégalaise.
  3. Résidence : Originaire et résident(e) dans les régions de Matam, Louga, Saint Louis, Ziguinchor, Kolda et Sédhiou.
  4. Engagement : Actif dans une association de la société civile, un parti politique ou un mouvement estudiantin.
  5. Disponibilité : Engagement total pendant un mois pour suivre le programme.
  6. Bonne moralité et respect des règles et procédures du PNUD.

Dossiers de Candidature :

  • Preuve d’engagement associatif ou politique.
  • Plan SMART de post-formation.
  • Certificat médical.
  • Pièce d’identité.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Lettre de motivation (300 mots max).
  • Biographie (250 mots max) avec photo.
  • Personne à contacter en cas d’urgence.

Conditions de Prise en Charge :

  • Logistique : Transport aller-retour depuis la région d’origine.
  • Hébergement : Hébergement au centre d’instruction.
  • Restauration : Prise en charge complète.
  • Matériel : Fourniture du matériel nécessaire.

Éthique et Conduite :

Les participants doivent respecter le code de conduite et les exigences de sécurité du Centre de Formation et du PNUD, tout en démontrant une intégrité exemplaire.

Date Limite de Soumission : Samedi 3 août 2024 à 23h59 GMT

Apply here

ACLS Fellowship: Supporting Outstanding Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences Mon, 29 Jul 2024 12:30:46 +0000 About the Program:

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is currently accepting applications for its Fellowship program aimed at supporting outstanding scholarship in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. The program provides funding for research and writing projects for scholars at various career stages.

Application Deadline:

Applications must be submitted online through the ACLS online application system by 9:00 PM EDT on September 25, 2024. Read more information about the Fellowship.

Fellowship Details:

  • Maximum award: $60,000
  • Tenure: six to twelve months for full-time research and/or writing between July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026, with completion by December 31, 2026.
  • Fellowship open to scholars at all postdoctoral career stages with a PhD in humanities or interpretive social sciences by the deadline.


  • Applicants must be US citizens, permanent residents, Indigenous individuals, DACA recipients, asylees, or refugees.
  • Foreign nationals residing in the US for three or more years before the application deadline are also eligible.
  • Applicants must have a PhD in humanities or interpretive social sciences by the application deadline or demonstrate equivalent scholarly expertise.

Application Guidelines:

  • Completed application form.
  • Proposal (no more than five pages, double-spaced).
  • Work plan, bibliography, publications list, and personal statement.
  • Writing sample (no more than five pages, single-spaced).
  • No reference letters required for the 2024-25 competition cycle.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Potential to advance the field of study.
  • Quality and innovativeness of the proposal.
  • Feasibility of the project.
  • Scholarly record and career trajectory.
  • Contribution to inclusive excellence in scholarship.

ACLS/New York Public Library Fellowships

ACLS may award residential fellowships in conjunction with The New York Public Library’s Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. This opportunity does require a separate application, due by 5 pm Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, September 27, 2024. ACLS/NYPL fellowships are subfellowships within the ACLS Fellowship program; they have the same eligibility requirements, application form, and schedule. The only additional proviso is that these residential fellowships will be granted to scholars whose projects will benefit from research in the NYPL’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Please Note: Because this is a joint fellowship, applicants for ACLS/NYPL residential fellowships must also apply to the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the NYPL. The application for the NYPL competition is available here. The deadline for application and three letters of recommendation is 5 pm Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, September 27, 2024.

  • Partnership with The New York Public Library’s Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.
  • Tenure from September 2025 to May 2026.
  • Stipend of $85,000 for residential fellowships within the ACLS Fellowship program.

Supporting Documents and Resources

International Students: Enroll in University of Palermo’s Bachelor’s Programs (Scholarships Available) Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:42:30 +0000 Introduction: The University of Palermo offers a welcoming environment for non-EU students residing abroad. This guide provides a step-by-step outline of the enrolment procedures for bachelor’s degree courses, including required documentation and important deadlines.

Bachelor’s Degree (Free Access)

Important Deadlines AY 2024/2025:

  • Pre-Enrolment Application on Universitaly: March 12, 2024 – August 9, 2024 (see details)
  • Visa Issue Deadline: November 29, 2024
  • Submission of Original Documents for Enrolment: August 1, 2024 – December 30, 2024
  • Tuition Fee Payment (see details): August 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024 (October 1 – December 31, 2024, with an added penalty fee)

Bachelor’s Degree Programs (Limited Number Access)

Reserved Quotas are available for Non-EU Students with residency abroad. Enrolling in limited number access Bachelor’s Degree courses, require to participate to the call for participation, please check the following pages: 


  • Must have obtained a secondary school diploma after having completed at least 12 years of schooling.

Important Deadlines AY 2024/2025:

  • Application submission: varies depending on the course
  • Pre-enrolment Application on Universitaly: March 12, 2024 to August 5, 2024
  • Visa Issue Deadline: November 29, 2024
  • Submission of Enrolment Application and Document Delivery: varies depending on the course
  • Tuition Fee Payment: varies depending on the course

Pre-Enrolment Procedure AY 2024/2025

The pre-enrolment process is a crucial first step for students requiring a visa to study in Italy. This involves applying through the Italian Ministry of University and Research’s portal and obtaining a pre-enrolment letter from the Italian Embassy or Consulate.

  • The Italian Ministry of University and Research has published a document detailing procedures for entry, residency, and enrolment at higher education institutions for students requiring visas. This document is available in Italian and English on the Studenti Stranieri Miur website (
  • Important Note: Pre-enrolment at the Italian Embassy alone does not grant admission to degree programs. You must also complete the admission procedures required by the University of Palermo for your chosen program.

Steps for Enrolment

1. Registration on Universitaly Portal:

  • Start your pre-enrolment application.
  • Your visa must be granted by November 29, 2024.
  • Upload required documents:
    • Valid passport
    • ID photos
    • Copy of your high school degree
    • An official Italian Language Certification (B2 level or higher). If you do not have an official language certificate, you must sit an Italian Language Test at Unipa
    • Declaration of Value (DoV) issued by the competent Italian consular section or the Certificate of Comparability from CIMEA 

2. Visa Application Procedure:

  • The visa application process for enrolling at the University of Palermo may vary based on regulations issued by individual Italian Embassies and Consulates abroad.
  • All necessary procedures to obtain a student visa must be completed by November 29, 2024. Consult the list of Italian embassies and consulates abroad [ITA] abroad here.
  • For general information about visa requirements, refer to the Ministerial Procedures for entry, residency, and enrollment, particularly Part IV concerning incoming visas for study purposes, residency permits, and subsequent measures. This document is available on the ministerial website [ITA].
  • The final decision on issuing a study visa rests exclusively with the respective Italian Embassy or Consulate.
  • After completing the pre-enrollment application, candidates must apply for a university study/enrollment visa at the Italian Consular diplomatic mission in their country of residence.
  • Preliminary acceptance by the University of Palermo does not guarantee visa issuance. The pre-enrollment request and accompanying documentation support the evaluation procedures for study visas but do not automatically ensure visa approval.
  • Diplomatic-consular missions assess the possession of requirements for issuing a study/enrollment visa and evaluate the absence of migration risk, as stipulated in D.I. 850/2011 art. 4 paragraph 2.
  • For detailed requirements to obtain a study visa, consult the MIUR page for 2023/2024.

3. Registration on UniPa Student Portal:

  • Registration for the University of Palermo can be completed through the Unipa Student Portal. For technical support, contact
  • After completing step 1, if you are accepted and receive a positive response on the Universitaly portal, you can apply for a university study/enrollment visa at the Italian Consular diplomatic mission in your country of residence.
  • The subsequent pre-enrollment phases should be completed at the relevant diplomatic-consular missions.

4. Italian Language Proficiency Test:

  • Pass a language proficiency test if your course is in Italian. Please check the page Italian Proficiency Tests to know more.
    • Bachelor’s Program Free Access Test Date: August 27, 2024
    • Bachelor’s Program Limited Number Access Test Date: August 30, 2024
  • Students with a B2 level certification or higher, awarded as determined by the CLIQ (Italian Quality Language Certification) quality system, are exempt from this test.

5. Enrolment Request Application:

6. Enrolment Finalization:

  • After completing all these steps, you can proceed with the payment of enrollment fees.
  • After the payment, your application will be automatically blocked as it must now be finalized.
  • To finalize enrollment at the University of Palermo, provide the following original documents to the International Students Office (Viale delle Scienze, Building n. 3, I floor) at your earliest convenience after arriving in Italy:
    • Your original High School Diploma, translated into Italian or English and legalized.
    • One of the following documents:
      • Declaration of Value (DoV) issued by the competent Italian consular section.
      • Statement of Comparability and Verification from CIMEA .

Scholarships and Financial Aid

  • ERSU Scholarships: Based on merit and economic situation, covering tuition fees, accommodation, and meals. See here
  • Italian Government Scholarships: Awarded every year to promote the Italian System of Higher Education. Available for international students, providing full or partial tuition fee waivers. See here

For detailed information on enrolment procedures, deadlines, and scholarship opportunities, visit the University of Palermo’s website.

HBCU Fellowship and Grant program 2024-2025 Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:19:40 +0000 About the Program:

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) HBCU Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program aims to support faculty at Historically Black College or University. (Please consult this list to determine whether your institution is eligible.) in their research endeavors by providing grants and fellowships tailored to the needs of these institutions.

There are two types of awards available through the program:

  1. Grants of up to $10,000 for research project development, with a grant term of 12 to 15 months.
  2. Fellowships of up to $50,000 to support sustained time and engagement with a significant research project, with an award term of 15 to 27 months.


  • ACLS will award up to 12 grants and up to eight fellowships.
  • Applicants are encouraged to choose the award type that best aligns with their research goals and professional commitments.
  • The funds can be used for anything necessary to advance the project.
  • In addition to the stipend, awardees will have access to networking and mentorship opportunities that support their scholarly goals.
  • Each award also includes an institutional grant of $2,500 to the recipient’s home institution to enhance humanities programming or infrastructure.
  • ACLS offers support for applicants through informational webinars, office hours, and feedback on draft applications.

ACLS HBCU Faculty Fellowship Program:

  • Stipend: $30,000 to $50,000 fellowships to be used for semester or year-long research leaves, summer salary, or course releases, and any other activities that advance the proposed project, including (but not limited to) travel to collections or conferences, research and editorial support, and child- or eldercare costs.
  • The award term runs from June 1, 2025, to August 31, 2027
  • The deadline for submitting through the ACLS online fellowship administration system ( is no later than 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, November 6, 2024.


  • Applicants must be employed primarily as instructors at an institution designated as an Historically Black College or University. Applicants do not need to be appointed full-time and do not need to be on the tenure-track. Part-time and adjunct instructors are welcome to apply. All awardees must remain employed at an accredited HBCU for the duration of the award term.
  • Have an MA or PhD in the humanities or related social sciences that was conferred by the application deadline.
  • Projects should focus on humanities or social science topics in higher education settings and incorporate original research.
  • We especially welcome applications from faculty whose perspectives have been historically underrepresented in the academy, including (but not limited to) Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous scholars from around the world; people with disabilities; queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people; and people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • We encourage applications from all types of institutions represented among HBCUs, including both two-year and four-year degree-granting institutions.

Application should include:

  • Completed application form (this includes basic biographical information, as well as short-answer questions describing your project, teaching and service responsibilities, and institutional context).
  • A brief personal statement describing your journey as a scholar and how personal experience, scholarly influences, and broader research interests inform your proposed project (one page, double spaced).
  • Proposal detailing project context and goals, work already undertaken, and resources needed to complete project (no more than five pages, double spaced, including any footnotes or endnotes, and any images).
  • A bibliography of up to two pages (single spaced, with separate sections detailing primary sources – if applicable – and secondary literature).
  • A one-page workplan detailing work to be conducted during award tenure. (Please review the suggested guidelines for this application component.)
  • A basic budget. (ACLS provides a sample template for reference.)

Apply and read more information about the FELLOWSHIP Program

ACLS Project Grants for HBCU Faculty:

  • Up to $10,000 stipend for project activities
  • 12-15 months tenure starting June 1, 2025
  • Additional $2,500 grant to home institution
  • $500 grant for finalists
  • Applications due November 6, 2024
  • Notifications in late March 2025

Use of Grant Funds:

  • Research, teaching, and professional development support
  • Course releases, travel, publications, collaborations, community engagement


  • Instructors at Historically Black College or University with MA or PhD in humanities or related social sciences
  • Must participate in networking events
  • Projects must address humanities or social sciences topics in higher education

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Engaging with field of study
  • Quality of proposal
  • Feasibility of project
  • Appropriateness for funding type
  • Contribution to inclusive excellence

Application should include:

  • Completed application form (this includes basic biographical information, as well as short-answer questions regarding your journey as a scholar, research interests, teaching responsibilities, and institutional context).
  • Proposal detailing the project’s research base and goals; work already undertaken (if any); and resources needed to complete the project (no more than two pages double spaced including any footnotes or endnotes).
  • Optional: Up to one page of images or figures, if needed.
  • A brief personal statement describing your journey as a scholar and how personal experience, scholarly influences, and broader research interests inform your proposed project (one page, double spaced).
  • A bibliography (one page, single spaced, with separate sections detailing primary sources – if applicable – and secondary literature).
  • A one-page workplan detailing work to be conducted during award tenure. (Review the suggested guidelines for this application component.)
  • A basic budget. (ACLS provides a sample template for reference.)

Apply and read more information about the GRANT Program

Join the UNDP Green Growth and Job Accelerator Project Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:00:04 +0000 The UNDP Green Growth and Job Accelerator Project, funded by the Danish-Arab Partnership Program supports established SMEs, including youth-led businesses, to accelerate their green

SMEs in Egypt

Law No. 152 of 2020 defines SMEs in Egypt based on annual turnover and capital. “Newly incorporated” enterprises are within their first two years, while “Entrepreneurship Projects” operate for less than seven years and involve innovation.

Focus on Youth Employment and Green Jobs

Our project targets youth employment and green jobs in the MENA region. Green enterprises promote sustainable development, like creating products from recycled materials. Businesses incorporating green components strive for green growth, such as using energy-efficient technologies to reduce carbon emissions.

The program offers several key components:

  • Acceleration Program: Develop innovative green growth business cases and create jobs for young people.
  • Financial Access Support: Improve access to financing instruments and stakeholders.
  • Digital Learning: Utilize digitalization, IT, and e-commerce to grow businesses.

Participants gain access to the Green Growth Community and NextGenYouth platforms for brand enhancement and opportunities.

Strategic Support

While we don’t offer direct financial support, we provide strategic interventions like mentorship, workshops on financial strategy, and access to a network of investors and experts. Our focus is on refining business models, sharpening pitches, and forming valuable partnerships.

Application Process

Ensure your business license certificate, audited statement, and SME Profile are ready to upload. Your information will be kept confidential per The Egyptian Personal Data Protection Law No. 151 of 2020.

More information here.

Join King’s College London as a Research Associate in Psychology Tue, 23 Jul 2024 09:27:51 +0000 Details
Salary: £43,205 – £45,521 per annum, including London Weighting Allowance
Closing Date: 01 August 2024
Location: Guy’s Campus
Business Unit: IoPPN
Department: Psychology
Contact: Nicole Byrom,

About King’s College London
King’s College London’s Department of Psychology, part of the IoPPN, is a leading European center for mental health research. Our focus is on student mental health, led by Dr. Nicola Byrom.

About the Role
We are seeking a qualitative researcher for our MRC-funded project on university student life, loneliness, and belonging. You will analyze qualitative data and conduct interviews to understand institutional compassion. This full-time role is fixed-term until 31 October 2025.

About You
Essential Criteria:
1. Honors degree in Psychology or related social science (2:1 or equivalent), PhD in Psychology, anthropology, or related discipline.
2. Experience in qualitative research, data management, and analysis.
3. Interest in social determinants of youth mental health and loneliness.
4. Ability to engage diverse individuals and build relationships.
5. Research project management and effective collaboration.
6. Excellent communication skills.
7. Integrity in research ethics.
8. Flexibility for project requirements.

Desirable Criteria:
1. Research output in high-quality publications.
2. Ethnographic research experience.
3. Interdisciplinary work experience.

We welcome diverse applicants, including those with mental health experiences, neurodiverse individuals, LGBTQ+ members, and minority ethnic backgrounds.

For more information and to apply visit King’s College London Website.

RMIT University in Australia is now accepting applications from international students for fully funded MSc (by research) and PhD programs Sat, 20 Jul 2024 01:34:40 +0000 Scholarship Value:
  • Full tuition coverage
  • Annual stipend between $34,000 to $45,000
  • Relocation grant of $1,500
  • No IELTS required for 2025 research scholarships

Application Details:

  • Application Period: Now open for scholarships commencing in 2025.
  • Start Date: Successful applicants are expected to begin in March 2025.
  • Application Deadlines:
    • International applicants: 18 September 2024
    • Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens, and Australian permanent residents: 29 September 2024

Application Process:

Scholarships are awarded through a highly competitive process. Follow the advice provided to make your application competitive. Ensure you:

  1. Choose Your Program
  2. Check Your Eligibility
  3. Identify Your Research Project or Area
  4. Understand Costs and Scholarships

Costs and Scholarships:

Fee Information:

  • Local Applicants: Funded by the Research Training Program (RTP), covering full tuition for the program’s maximum duration (2 years for MSc by Research, 4 years for PhD).
  • International Applicants: Fee details vary for onshore and offshore candidates.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF):

Both international and domestic candidates must pay this fee annually to maintain and enhance RMIT’s services.

Scholarship Types:

  • Stipend Scholarships:
    • RTP Stipend Scholarship (RSS)
    • RMIT Research Stipend Scholarship (RRSS)
  • International Tuition Fee Scholarships:
    • RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship (RIFOS)
    • Research International Tuition Fee Scholarship (RRITFS)
  • Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship:
    • Complete the VCPS Expression of Interest Form for consideration.
  • RMIT Indigenous HDR Scholarship:
    • Available for Indigenous Australians through the Ngarara Willim Centre.
  • RMIT Research Equity Scholarship:
    • For applicants affected by a disability or long-term medical condition.


Applicants must:

  • Meet entry requirements for an RMIT graduate research program.
  • Provide evidence of English proficiency by the application deadline (international applicants).
  • Obtain an academic member’s agreement to supervise their research.

Competitive Selection:

Scholarships are based on academic achievement, research outputs, and professional experience. Priority is given to those with:

  • High distinction in the final years of the qualifying program (80%+).
  • Relevant work experience and research publications.
  • No previous graduate research program completion at the same or higher level.
  • Enrolment and primary residency at an RMIT Australian campus.

Prepare Your Application:

The process involves:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
  2. Full Application Submission (upon successful EOI)

Transfer Applicants:

If transferring from another university or within RMIT, provide detailed statements and previous enrolment information.

Required Documentation:

  • CV
  • Academic transcripts
  • Research proposal or statement of interest
  • Financial guarantee letter (for sponsored international applicants)

Apply Now!

Start your application process without delay and ensure your EOI is submitted as soon as possible. For more details and to begin your application, visit the RMIT research scholarships page.

Apply now at RMIT University

Fully-funded Student Opportunities and PAID Internships with CERN: Apply Now Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:25:21 +0000 🎓 Calling all university students! Dive into a unique internship experience at CERN, a hub of scientific excellence like nowhere else on Earth. Whether you’re drawn to mechanics, data science, software engineering, electrical engineering, international relations, or communication, CERN offers diverse opportunities for you to grow alongside top-tier scientists.

Deadline to Apply: 29 July 2024


This programme is now open for applications until 29th July 2024.

This is a chance to work on your thesis while spending up to 36 months at the forefront of science. Whether you’ve already chosen a subject or are still making your decision, if your specialism is Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing, this is an invitation to further your knowledge in a truly unique organization. In fact, it’s an invitation to get involved in world-famous experiments of unprecedented scale and scope. An invitation to join an environment like nowhere else on Earth.
Specific programmes are in place for candidates studying in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and Norway. Click here to find out more.



This programme is now open for applications until 29th July 2024.

There’s no better way to learn than on-the-job. When that job happens to be in a world-famous organisation and center of scientific excellence, even better. If you’re an undergraduate in Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing and are looking for a practical training period or a place to complete your final project, you could spend 4 to 12 months at CERN during the course of your studies (Bachelor or Master). An extension of up to a maximum of 14 months may be given.


This programme is now open for applications until 29th July 2024.

The Administrative Student Program is aimed at undergraduate students specializing in administration, to spend a training period of 2 to 12 months during the course of their studies (Bachelor or Master). An extension of up to a maximum of 14 months may be given.



This programme was opened for applications until 31st January 2024 and will reopen at the end of 2024.

How do you plan to spend your summer? How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? This is more than summer work. It’s the chance to join CERN in Geneva – getting involved in the day-to-day work of our multicultural teams. Attend lectures, visit CERN facilities, take part in discussions and workshops with people who are leaders in their fields. In fact, it will be a summer like nowhere else on Earth.



This programme was opened for applications until 31st January 2024 and will reopen at the end of 2024.

Summer work experience in a place like nowhere else on earth: the birthplace of the world wide web! If you’re studying computer science, a great way to spend your summer could be to join the openlab summer student program, to work on an advanced IT project and follow IT lectures specially prepared for you by experts at CERN and other institutes. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are also part of the program, along with visits to external companies. Interested? Check it out and take part!



Imagine what it would be like to be part of, and contribute to, one of the largest projects on the planet. If you’re looking for a short term training (1 to 6 months), how cool would it be to say you’re working in CERN?

For internships in 2024 apply here



Whilst CERN Jobs are open to all eligible candidates, the Short-Term Internship Program also provides an opportunity particularly reserved for students with disabilities, in the technical or scientific field. This opportunity is offered as part of CERN’s commitment to advance inclusiveness and accessibility in the workplace. If your main field of study is in applied physics, computing, mathematics, electricity, electronics, mechanical, electrical or civil engineering, click here to find out more.



Every year, CERN recruits apprentices for a duration of 3 or 4 years in the following domains: librarianship, electronics, polymechanics and laboratory physics.

Apprenticeships are a formal part of the Swiss education system, and governed by the legislation of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. 

Join Innovation For Everyone: Building the worlds largest youth-led Ai ethics literacy movement Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:21:58 +0000 Mobilizing Youth for Responsible Tech & AI Ethics

What We Do

We’re a youth movement working to build responsible technology and create public awareness about the ethical challenges of AI. Through AI research, grassroots organizing, collaboration with companies, and policy outreach, we’re building a movement of AI ethics literacy. We hope to spark nuanced conversations about AI ethics from the classroom to the boardroom, re-envisioning a more equitable and just digital world.

Open Call for Applications!! 📣

We’re excited to announce a global call for applications to join our nonprofit, Innovation for Everyone (IFE). We’re mobilizing young people for responsible tech and AI ethics. Founded in 2020 and officially incorporated as a 501(c)(3) this year, we’ve reached over 70,000 students across 35 countries through partnerships with grassroots organizations, schools, and companies. Our work has been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and CNN.

After restructuring our team and relaunching our updated website, we’re extending an open invite to apply to join our team! We’re looking for young people and students in high school and college to join as core team members or volunteers. Help us scale and expand our outreach efforts, bring IFE programming to schools nationwide, and build public awareness about the ethical challenges of AI.

Our Impact

Through workshops, institutional partnerships, and grassroots outreach, we’re building a global movement bringing together young people to collectively fight for a safer future of AI. Founded in 2020, our movement has expanded over the years and we’re grateful for the support to continue scaling.

  • 70,000 Students
  • 35 Countries

Proud coalition member of Design It For Us, a global youth coalition of activists, organizers, and builders fighting for safer online platforms and social media.

Past Partners & Collaborators

List of partners and collaborators

Join Us

We’re looking for youth leaders to help us amplify and expand our movement. By becoming a youth leader, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, lead initiatives in your community, and collaborate with like-minded individuals globally to ensure a responsible and ethical future for AI.

Learn more and apply HERE
