Wanda Vista Dongguan
Catering & HotelDongGuan
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万达酒店及度假村,是万达集团旗下一家集酒店设计、建设、运营管理为一体的全产业链酒店管理公司。公司旗下拥有7大“华”系列酒店品牌:“万达瑞华”、“万达文华”、“万达嘉华”、“万达锦华”、“万达颐华”、“万达美华”、“万达悦华”。7大品牌涵盖奢华、高端优选、超中端等定位,为业主提供了全面、系统、专业的酒店资产管理及品牌解决方案。万达酒店及度假村目前拥有已开业酒店104家,筹建酒店170+,覆盖全球170个城市。 Wanda Hotels & Resorts has seven hotel brands: the ultra-luxury hotel brand Wanda Reign, the luxury brand Wanda Vista, the premium brand Wanda Realm, the upper-scale lifestyle brand Wanda Yi, the select-service hotel brand Wanda Jin and the premium mid-scale brand Wanda Moments as well as the mid-scale brand Wanda Yue. Wanda Hotels & Resorts currently owns or managers 104 hotels and there are more than 170 hotels under construction. The properties cover over 170 destinations globally. 东莞 富力 万达文华酒店位于东莞市中心,毗邻城广场与著名的旗峰山咫尺之遥交通便利。拥有320间宽敞舒适的客房及套房,设计高雅、配豪华餐饮施齐全。 间宽敞舒适的客房及套,设计高雅、配豪华餐饮施齐全。 我们深谙中华文化,也熟知独具韵味的东方情致。细致入微的服务节,不仅与当地风情完美结合,更散发出文华特有的人文底蕴。举手投足间流露谦恭优雅, 让心灵收获由内而外升华,置身文华,细细体味,令您活力焕发,每一处,每一刻。 Wanda Vista Dongguan is located in the central commercial business district of Dongcheng,nearbay Dongchneg Wanda Plaza and Qifeng Park,has convenient transportation. The hotel features 320 spacious Guestrooms and suites with elegant design and deluxe decorations. There's a variety of choices for food &beverage facilities. Steep in chinese culture, We fully appreciate its distinctive beauty.our attentive services,infused with local etiquette,exude a humanistic. It is an allure unique to Vista Savor the elegance. Let the granceful,humble manners take you on a journey to the sublime. Any time.Anywhere.

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