Multinational Holdings Group Inc
OtherBeijing, Chongqing, Macau, Zhuhai
Recruiter last login 5 months ago 313 views


万国控股集团,被誉为澳门非博彩最多元化的集团化企业之一。历经二十多年发展,以港澳为基地,广拓内地、亚太市场,现已拥有二、三级企业六十五间,员工四千余名,业务主要涉及实业、金融、矿产资源和产业新城四大板块。其中实业板块包括地产、科技、购物中心、景区、旅游、现代农业、会展、国际贸易、书籍出版及物业管理等多个行业;金融板块参与两家地方银行和三个涉及互联网、科技基金及一个母基金;资源板块拥有四家上市公司、147个矿权及页岩气田,矿区总面积达近六万平方公里;集团投资及经营地域涉及澳门、香港、台湾、北京、重庆、上海、云南、福建、贵州、西藏、杭州、广州、中山、珠海、深圳、汕头、悉尼、伦敦、硅谷、东京、拉斯维加斯、特拉维夫、仰光、金边、磅同、波黑二十六个国家和地区。 万国集团坚持“稳健开拓,以才兴业、多元发展”,兼顾三元产业协调,做到长、中、短线投资合理并进,在引进项目时十分重视人才、资金、市场、资源的配置与协调,并不断优化集团的产业结构,使投入产出效益最大化。在集团董事会主席刘雅煌先生的带领下,万国集团坚持稳健开拓、以才兴业、多元发展兼顾三元产业协调的发展原则,坚持短、中、长线投资并进的工作主线,不断优化产业结构,积极融入国家发展大局,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 The principal policy of Multinational Holdings Group of Companies is strongly based on the concept of providing to the clients, QUALITY and RELIABLE products and services. Multinational Holdings Group of Companies is therefore, the result of the amalgamation of several similar and diverse existing companies to successfully cope with the challenges of 2010 and beyond, with this concept in mind. Having ‘quality and reliability’ as our beacon, we have now evolved in to a multi-million dollar group of companies currently operating in Australia and overseas…and we still continue to grow. The first company of Multinational Holdings group has a good history of more than 30 years dating back to 1978, and provides excellent and reliable service to-date. Multinational Holdings Group of Companies is a wholly Australian-owned venture formed in the year 2000 to serve as the umbrella under which several Australia-owned existing companies could operate. The group covers the spheres of trading, investment & property development, manpower, defense solutions, education, and migration.

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