Henan Baichuan Changyin Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd
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Henan BCCY Environmental Energy Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300614) was founded in April 2009. It is an environmentally-focused technology enterprise that combines research and development, production, and business operations. On May 25, 2021, it successfully went public on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. For over a decade, the company has been dedicated to biogas utilization and carbon emission reduction. In response to China's Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality policies, the company will continue to fulfil its social responsibilities, adhere to a low-carbon emission strategy, and establish a diversified business portfolio encompassing biogas power generation, carbon credit trading, thermal energy storage & transportation, solid waste recycling, and other environmental and green energy sectors. 河南百川畅银环保能源股份有限公司(股票代码:300614)是一家集研发、生产和经营为一体的节能环保新能源企业。公司成立于2009年4月,目前注册资本为16043万元。公司专注于沼气综合利用和碳减排事业十余年,通过回收沼气发电,减少甲烷排放,实现碳减排。

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