Guangdong Jiateng Robot Automation Co., Ltd
Artificial Intelligence & IOT & RobotFoShan
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广东嘉腾机器人自动化有限公司成立于2002年,公司一直致力于无人搬运车(AGV)领域的研发、生产、销售,凭借不同的先进导航技术,推出了系列便捷、高效、智能的搬运机器人。作为中国工业机器人十大品牌商之一,所研发和生产的产品获得多项国内外大奖,是出口欧洲最早的中国机器人公司。在广东佛山拥有50,000平方米以上的现代化生产基地,分设重庆基地以及20个办事处遍布全国,在北美,南美,欧洲,东南亚都有合作伙伴。公司至今拥有150多项专利及软件著作权,是国内领先的AGV及智能物料配送解决方案提供商。 公司荣获广东省高新技术企业、广东省机器人骨干企业、战略新兴骨干企业等多个殊荣,是BVL德国物流联盟成员。嘉腾是中国唯一一个获得工业设计“奥斯卡”德国红点奖的机器人公司,是中国市场上知名的AGV品牌,同时嘉腾的产品获得超过60家世界500强的客户的青睐。 Guangdong Jaten Robot & Automation Co.,Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as”Jaten”), founded in 2002 ,is one of the leading hi-tech enterprises specializing in robot and automation in China. Jaten is also a member of BVL (Bundesvereinigung Logistik). Jaten remains committed to the developing, manufacturing, selling automated guided vehicle (AGV). We have successfully launched convenient, effective and intelligent AGV for six generations with advanced technologies such as inertial navigation, laser navigation, magnetic navigation. Jaten has been focusing on R&D and selling of AGV and intelligent material delivery solution since 2005.Jaten have strong R&D strength and rich experience in the industry. We have over 100 R&D staff, among which 90% have bachelor degree and above. We also have more than 60 patents and copyrights so far.

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