Tide Power
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Incorporated in 2006, Tide Power Group holds its headquarter in Hongkong with its UK and China Two production bases . China factory is sited in an area of over 5000 sq. meter. accommodating over 200 full time employees. With an annual production capacity of over 2800 units, Tide Power not only is always focusing its aim in product design and innovation ideas in producing highly reliable and quality products to cater for the need of different type of clients but also equipped with a strong professional technical team and an advanced production assembly line to achieve our goal. We continuously provide a variety of power generating products which include residential sound proof gensets to high voltage grid connection units for industrial application. Our range of ratings, from5kva to 4500kva, can give us the ability to meet our clients demands. “未来电力、泰然自得” 福建科泰德电力设备有限公司(TIDE POWER)作为全球柴油及燃气发电机组供应商,自2006年成立至今,我们的产品遍及全球,持续为全球电力事业做出贡献。目前,公司总部设在福建福州仓山盖山镇义序机电园,办事处及分公司已分别设在上海和南京,新加坡和仰光,厂区及办公面积超过8000平方米,员工超过200名,年产发电机组突破5000台套,公司拥有专业、现代化的发电机组工业生产工厂和一支强有力的专业人士组成的技术队伍,具有多年积累的发电机组研发设计、配套生产、销售及维修经验。 应公司快速发展需要,诚邀勇于挑战,富责任心的各路人才加入科泰德能源科技有限公司,与我们携手共创美好明天。一经录用,本公司将提供富有竞争力的薪酬,表现突出更享受股权激励及各方面晋升发展机会。 详细公司介绍:http://www.tpshk.com/

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