SKN Technology Company Limited
OtherBeijing, Overseas, Shanghai
Recruiter last login a month ago 94 views


Originating from a passion for nurturing young minds, our journey includes 8 dedicated years to ESL instruction. Beyond teaching, we've forged a path into management, overseeing foreign teachers and actively scouting new talent. Presently, SKN is more than an educational hub. In partnership, we are delving into online platforms and services, extending beyond education yet embodying the same commitment to excellence. As we explore this digital frontier, SKN is dedicated to delivering bespoke services, adapting to the evolving needs of our clientele. In addition to our educational endeavors, SKN is committed to fostering global opportunities. Through strategic collaborations with international recruiters, we aim to connect our talent pool with enriching experiences worldwide. Furthermore, our partnership with reputable visa services ensures seamless transitions for those seeking international opportunities, underlining our dedication to providing comprehensive support throughout every stage of our collaborators' journeys.

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